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Spatial Cognitive Engineering

Research group The Spatial Cognitive Engineering group explores cognitive aspects of interacting with autonomous systems and of human-in-the-loop computing.

Research of the group mainly focuses on issues of human and computer not understanding each other. That is, in interaction with autonomous systems, for example robots or smart location-based services, we aim to narrow the gap between human and machine by getting the systems to use concepts and ways of communication that are close(r) to humans', among others. Another important aspect of our research is keeping users in the loop, i.e., to keep users in control of the (interaction) process, to counter some of the cognitive effects of automation, and to increase explainability of the systems.

We use principles and methods of Artificial Intelligence, Human-Computer Interaction, Cognitive Science, and Geographic Information Science. Research includes the development of new methods and algorithms, the identification and structuring of concepts and knowledge required for interaction ("ontologies"), and empirical (human-subject) studies.

Research leader

Kai-Florian Richter
Associate professor


Participating departments and units at Umeå University

Department of Computing Science

Research area

Computing science


Escaping ‘Death by GPS': Foundations for Adaptive Navigation Assistance
Research area: Computing science
Duration 1 July 2019 until 31 December 2022
Type of project Research project
Autonomous Systems' Ability to Understand Their Own Limitations
Research area: Computing science
Duration 1 February 2018 until 31 January 2020
Type of project Research project

Latest publications

Cartography and Geographic Information Science, Taylor & Francis 2024, Vol. 51, (1) : 1-19
Harrie, Lars; Touya, Guillaume; Oucheikh, Rachid; et al.
Behaviour & Information Technology
Teimouri, Fateme; Richter, Kai-Florian
16th International Conference on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT 2024)
Horned, Arvid; Falomir, Zoe; Richter, Kai-Florian
Künstliche Intelligenz, Springer Nature 2024, Vol. 38, (1-2) : 1-2
Richter, Kai-Florian
Künstliche Intelligenz, Springer Nature 2023, Vol. 37 : 11-16
Richter, Kai-Florian; Scheider, Simon
Künstliche Intelligenz, Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2023, Vol. 37 : 5-9
Scheider, Simon; Richter, Kai-Florian
Künstliche Intelligenz, Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2023, Vol. 37 : 91-97
Scheider, Simon; Richter, Kai-Florian; Janowicz, Krzysztof
Künstliche Intelligenz, Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2023, Vol. 37 : 99-105
Richter, Kai-Florian; Scheider, Simon; Tuia, Devis
Künstliche Intelligenz, Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2023, Vol. 37 : 17-31
Scheider, Simon; Richter, Kai-Florian
Journal of Location Based Services, Taylor & Francis 2023, Vol. 17, (1) : 1-25
Teimouri, Fateme; Richter, Kai-Florian
Latest update: 2022-11-16