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Social Perspectives on School and Education

School has always been a central part of children's and adolescents' lives. In recent decades, however, children have been spending more time in school, and academic success or failure has become increasingly significant for their future prospects. The Public Health Agency of Sweden asserts that this has made schools a crucial arena for promoting well-being and addressing mental health issues among children and young people. The Education Act also gives schools responsibility not only for students' learning but also for their health and well-being, in collaboration with other societal actors. Within the framework of student health services, student health teams, including school counsellors, work to identify and address issues that may affect students' performance, well-being, and social situations. They provide counselling, support students in difficult situations, manage conflicts, and collaborate with school staff to help students achieve their learning goals.

The Department's Research

The department's research in school and education is extensive both in terms of subject matter and methodology, encompassing practice-oriented and knowledge-focused studies. Many of our researchers are interested and have expertise in, how various conditions affect learning outcomes and students' mental health. We conduct research projects that investigate educational inequality, the interplay between students' mental health and academic performance over time, the impact of teaching methods and school climate on mental health, and the effects of educational policy changes on students' psychosocial situations. Our interest in this broad knowledge-oriented research is combined with a focus on more practice-oriented questions about social work in schools. We have research projects that examine the conditions, work, and counselling practices of school counsellors in their interactions with students.

Additionally, the department includes researchers with expertise and special interest in vulnerable and disadvantaged student groups, such as newly arrived immigrants, young people with mental health issues, and students with intellectual disabilities. These researchers lead projects on methods like Supported Education (SEd) to help young adults with mental health issues pursue education, transitions between (special) school and work for students with intellectual disabilities, and how teachers, special educators, and support staff perceive quality in working with and supporting students with intellectual disabilities.


Researchers in this field collaborate within several national and international research networks and environments. Examples include International School Social Work (ISSW), Skolsocialt Forskarnätverk, Socialforskningsinstitutet (SOFI), and Förutsättningar Utbildning Resultat (FUR) at the University of Gothenburg, among many others relevant to specific student groups. Social perspectives on school and education at the Department of Social Work are also connected to and supported by the School of Education at Umeå University.

Head of research

David Rosenberg
Associate professor


Participating departments and units at Umeå University

Department of Social Work
Latest update: 2024-09-16