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Image: Mikael Wallerstedt
SciLifeLab Umeå have 27 Group Leaders, from 8 departments at the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Science and Technology at Umeå University, and from 2 departments at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU, in Umeå.
Manager at the Vibrational Spectroscopy Core Facility (ViSp)
Understanding how proteins function and interact in the species of the human gut microbiome.
Focuses on obesity-related morbidity and its association with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Disrupting and studying complex biological processes to investigate their therapeutic potential.
NMR methods to understand the function of biological membranes, their proteins and role in various diseases.
Our group aims at integrating all regulatory mechanisms about T cells in a single predictive model
We use an experimental systems biology approach to study microbial infections.
Our group studies structure and mechanism of viral replication complexes.
Electron microscopy methods to study bacteria cytoskeleton structure, assembly and spatial organization.
We characterize how human B cells in circulation and tissues are affected by underlying disease.
Maintenance of genome integrity by DNA helicases.
We perform genomics research in forest trees to understand how the genome determines phenotypic traits.
We are doing research about the molecules and mechanisms that viruses need to bind to and enter our cells.
Membrane sculpting is fundamental for many cellular processes, and malfunction is implicated in many diseases.
My research focus on plant available nitrogen, with a focus on the method microdialysis.
Chemical and chemo-optogenetic approach on autophagy and membrane trafficking regulated by small GTPases.