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ROBUST - Research Institute for Organization and Business in Sustainable Transitions

Research group Research Institute for Organization and Business in Sustainable Transitions (ROBUST) strives to be a force for change in a sustainable and ethical direction. This is achieved by developing and communicate research, and by training and interacting in relation to business-related decision making.

Questions on the individual and organizational levels are focused and a diversity of perspectives and methods is seen as necessary to analyse globally recognized social and environmental problems. Different types of organizational forms are studied and activities at the institute involve researchers from all research areas at Umeå School of Business, Economics and Statistics (USBE) at Umeå University and also researchers and networks within and outside the University of Umeå.

The purposes of the institute are to:

  • Conduct and publish research in the area of sustainability and ethics in business.
  • Stimulate an active research environment including seminars, workshops, guest researchers and strategic collaborations.
  • Develop new research projects related to the key areas of the institute.
  • Facilitate support for research activities and funding applications.
  • Communicate research results with the broader community.
  • Assist in the development of higher education in the key areas of the institute.
  • Provide a forum for debating issues concerning business, sustainability and society.

At ROBUST we are always interested in coming in contact with companies, organizations, networks, researchers, students and the public to discuss sustainability and business ethics.

If wish to contact the institute you can reach us by mail at robust.usbe@umu.se or by contacting staff. We also have a mailing list where you can subscribe to news about the institute.

Responsible for the institute is Maxim Vlasov at Umeå School of Business, Economics and Statistics, Umeå University.

ROBUST is a member of Cradlenet, a Nordic network that supports businesses and organizations in transition to circular economy.


Björkstammar och björkblad.
New webinar series on energy transitions

Greening the economy? - Critical dialogues on energy transitions in the Bothnia region.

Behind the scenes

Turning challenging moments into growth opportunities.

ROBUST portrait: Elin Nilsson

On antibiotic resistance, the future of milk, and the challenge of making the right choice as a consumer.

ROBUST portrait: Lucas Haskell

On social innovations for ecological crises, and ups and downs of doing a PhD.

ROBUST portrait: Karl Johan Bonnedahl

On strong sustainability, social innovation and the existential dimension of research work.

ROBUST portrait: Quang Evansluong

On societal challenges in Sweden and Vietnam and being a researcher with a multicultural background.

ROBUST portrait: Siarhei Manzhynski

On studying coopetition, taking a second PhD degree, and doing things with mindfulness.

ROBUST portrait: Alice Annelin

On passion for sustainability education and new ways to think about accounting.

ROBUST portrait: Johan Jansson

On climate transitions in the transportation system, opportunities and risks of circular economy.

New guest professor in sustainability

Sally Russell is the Chair of Sustainability and Organisational Behaviour at the School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds. Her research focuses broadly on behaviour change and examines factors that affect individual, group, and organisational responses to environmental issues. She is particularly interested in the role of emotion in decision-making in relation to environmental issues. Her recent work centered on food waste interventions.

 In all areas of her research, Sally works closely with industrial partners to ensure that her research contributes scientifically and practically to the development of more sustainable ways of doing business.

During her time at USBE and ROBUST, Sally will participate in development of new research collaborations and projects, share her expertise, and support PhD students and young researchers. Guest professorship is for 3 years on a 10% basis. One physical visit to Umeå is planned for every year.

Sally will introduce herself and her recent research project at the FEK-seminar on January 25th!

ROBUST thesis prize is awarded to students at Södertörn University and Stockholm School of Economics

This year it is not one but two theses that are awarded ROBUSTs annual thesis prize in sustainability and business ethics. The winners are Martina Reppen, Södertörn University, and Henry Müller and Felix Pahl, Stockholm School of Economics. Each thesis receives the full prize and the scholarship worth 25,000 SEK from Umeå Energi.

Read more

Open access publication in Journal of Cleaner Production

Paper from Stål and Babri now available for free download.

In their paper “Educational interventions for sustainable innovation in small and medium sized enterprises” Stål and Babri examine a competence development program aiming at regional SMEs. The paper uses a translation/power lens to highlight some of the challenges that arise with this type of collaboration.

The article can assessed via the following link: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.118554

Head of research

Maxim Vlasov
Associate professor


Participating departments and units at Umeå University

Umeå School of Business, Economics and Statistics

Research area

Business administration

A selection of research published by RiseB researchers.

Umeå sustainability prize

Umeå sustainability prize for theses in business administration

ROBUST portrait: Elin Nilsson

On antibiotic resistance, the future of milk, and the challenge of making the right choice as a consumer.

ROBUST portrait: Lucas Haskell

On social innovations for ecological crises, and ups and downs of doing a PhD.

ROBUST portrait: Karl Johan Bonnedahl

On strong sustainability, social innovation and the existential dimension of research work.

Latest update: 2024-08-22