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Racism, Nationalism, Ethnicity and Migration

Research group Scholarship in this area investigates anti-immigrant sentiment, racism, and nationalism from various perspectives. Building on different theoretical traditions and utilizing a variety of methodological approaches and data sources, our research projects fall under three broad themes.

One theme investigates prejudice, nationalism and tolerance in a comparative perspective. Focus lies on how such constructs develop and change over time under different conditions as well as on implications for individuals and society. For instance, we ask:

  • What are the effects of having friends who are prejudiced or to grow up with parents who articulate antipathy towards out-groups?
  • How do contextual factors influence different groups' experiences of discrimination?
  • Do people really become less prejudiced and more tolerant with more education?

Another theme involves studies of everyday racism, refugee reception and integration. We are interested in the ways in which race and ethnicity are practiced in everyday settings and how racial and ethnic inequality are structured. This includes questions such as:

  • How are racialized structures produced and/or resisted in everyday situations within institutions like the education system, the health care system, or in different places of employment?
  • How are perceptions of us and them created in different contexts across time?
  • How does the way refugee reception is organized affect refugees’ possibilities to take an active part in society.

A third theme examines different expressions of racism and anti-racism online. Focus lies on how digital media platforms contribute to establishing and upholding group differences, shaping public opinion and mobilizing movements. Examples of questions are:

  • What discourses emerge among radical right-wing groups online and how do these discourses spread to mainstream news media?
  • What role do the technical design and underlying algorithms of social media platforms play in the spread of racist ideas and anti-racist resistance?

Affiliated with the group

Andrea Bohman
Associate professor
Maureen A. Eger
Associate professor (on leave)
Daniel Gabrielsson
Visiting lecturer, associate professor
Åsa Gustafson
Associate professor
Samuel Merrill
Associate professor
Jeffrey Mitchell
Associate professor
Ulrika Schmauch
Associate professor
Mathilda Åkerlund
Visiting researcher
Anton Sandin
Doctoral student

Research projects

Disentangling discrimination in Europe: Patterns, processes, and consequences of discrimination experiences among multiple targeted groups in a comparative perspective
Discrimination is an incredibly complex problem in Europe, since in each country there are several groups which experience discrimination in severa...
Type of project Research project
Duration 1 January 2024 until 31 December 2026
The nature of tolerance and its consequences
While tolerance is considered necessary to achieve and maintain democracy, research on tolerance has been in a state of disarray. Theoretical and...
Type of project Research project
Duration 1 January 2024 until 31 December 2026
Labeling Neighborhoods: Assessing the neighborhood level impact of vulnerable area designations on health, crime, and trust
The vulnerable area designation was created by the Swedish Police Authority with the intention of alleviating some of the negative effects caused b...
Type of project Research project
Duration 1 January 2024 until 31 December 2026
#NeverForget vs. #NeverHappened: Holocaust Commemoration and Contestation on Social Media
With the number of living Holocaust survivors shrinking and surveys showing that memory of the Holocaust is receding in European and Anglophone...
Type of project Research project
Duration 1 December 2023 until 30 November 2026
The Radicalisation of Sweden’s Image: A study of how radical right groups in other countries depict Sweden online
Ideas regarding Sweden and ‘Swedishness’ have recently gained importance among radical right groups across the world in part because of the country...
Type of project Research project
Duration 1 January 2022 until 31 December 2025
Police student's and Police officer's perception of crime prevention
This doctoral project focuses on how police officers and students understand and perceive crime prevention work. The perceptions of police officers...
Type of project Research project
Duration 1 August 2020 until 31 August 2026
The liberalizing effect of higher education
Examining the liberalizing effect of higher education.
Type of project Research project
Duration 1 January 2020 until 31 December 2024
Latest update: 2024-09-19