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Proceedings of Eighth International Congress on Information and Communication Technology: ICICT 2023, London, Volume 3, Singapore: Springer 2024 : 283-294
Schnaider, Karoline; Schiavetto, Stefano
Journal of education policy, Routledge 2024, Vol. 39, (1) : 149-165
Siljebo, Josef
Postdigital Science and Education, Springer 2023, Vol. 5, (3) : 541-543
Schnaider, Karoline; Schiavetto, Stefano
School governance in global contexts: trends, challenges and practices, London and New York: Routledge 2022 : 37-50
Gu, Limin
INTED2022 Proceedings: 16 th annual 16th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Schnaider, Karoline; Schiavetto, Stefano
IxD&A: Interaction Design and Architecture(s), Association for Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development 2022, (53) : 70-100
Mårell-Olsson, Eva
Advances in Quantitative Ethnography: Third International Conference, ICQE 2021, Virtual Event, November 6–11, 2021, Proceedings, Springer 2022 : 298-317
Schnaider, Karoline; Schiavetto, Stefano; Spikol, Daniel
Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, Basel, Switzerland: MDPI 2022, Vol. 6, (2)
Schnaider, Karoline; Gu, Limin
Computers and education, Elsevier 2022, Vol. 178
Bergström, Peter; Wiklund-Engblom, Annika
Networked learning 2022: Proceedings for the thirteenth international conference on networked learning 2022, Mittuniversitetet 2022 : 306-310
Schiavetto, Stefano; Schnaider, Karoline
INTED2021 Proceedings: 15th International Technology, Education and Development ConferenceOnline Conference. 8-9 March, 2021, Valencia: 2021 : 1526-1535
Schnaider, Karoline; Gu, Limin
2021 International conference on multimodality (10ICOM) - Multimodality for transformation: Approaches, contexts, meanings : 156-156
Schnaider, Karoline
7th International Designs for Learning conference - Remediation of Learning: Book of Abstracts, Stockholm: Stockholm University Press 2021 : 59-60
Schnaider, Karoline; Gu, Limin
Journal of Educational Technology & Online Learning, Dergipark 2021, Vol. 4, (2) : 334-348
Karakoyun, Ferit; Lindberg, Ola J.
Abstracts: 17. nordiske konference om SFL og socialsemiotik (NSFL-17) – SFL og den kommunikerende organisation, Odense: Syddansk Universitet 2021 : 22-22
Schnaider, Karoline
Education in the North, Aberdeen: School of Education at the University of Aberdeen 2021, Vol. 28, (3) : 121-139
Holmgren, Robert
Journal of Online Learning Research, Waynesville, NC USA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE) 2021, Vol. 7, (3) : 249-268
Lindfors, Maria; Pettersson, Fanny
What Works in Nordic School Policies?: Mapping Approaches to Evidence, Social Technologies and Transnational Influences, Cham: Springer 2021 : 213-233
Gu, Limin; Lindberg, Ola J
Postdigital Science and Education, Springer 2021, Vol. 3 : 326-369
Networked Learning Editorial Collective, (NLEC); Gourlay, Lesley; Rodríguez‑Illera, José Luis; et al.
Education Inquiry, Taylor & Francis 2021, Vol. 12, (4) : 390-409
Lindfors, Maria; Pettersson, Fanny; Olofsson, Anders D.
Education Inquiry, Routledge 2021, Vol. 12, (4) : 347-364
Meyer, Bente; Bergström, Peter; Wiklund-Engblom, Annika
Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice, Taylor & Francis 2021, Vol. 27, (7) : 587-601
Rönnlund, Maria; Bergström, Peter; Tieva, Åse
The international journal of information and learning technology, Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2021, Vol. 38, (4) : 393-411
Mårell-Olsson, Eva; Mejtoft, Thomas; Tovedal, Sofia; et al.
IxD&A: Interaction Design and Architecture(s), Association for Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development 2021, (47) : 69-93
Mårell-Olsson, Eva
Advances in Quantitative Ethnography: Second International Conference, ICQE 2020, Malibu, CA, USA, February 1-3, 2021, Proceedings, Springer Nature 2021 : 406-421
Schnaider, Karoline; Schiavetto, Stefano; Meier, Florian; et al.
Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige, Vol. 25, (2-3) : 69-91
From, Jörgen; Pettersson, Fanny; Pettersson, Gerd
Education in the North, Aberdeen: School of Education at the University of Aberdeen 2020, Vol. 27, (2) : 1-6
Billmayer, Jakob; From, Jörgen; Lindberg, J Ola; et al.
Education in the North, Aberdeen: School of Education at the University of Aberdeen 2020, Vol. 27, (2) : 7-23
Öjefors Stark, Katarina; From, Jörgen
Education in the North, School of Education at the University of Aberdeen 2020, Vol. 27, (2) : 56-72
Pettersson, Gerd; Ström, Kristina
Education in the North, School of Education at the University of Aberdeen 2020, Vol. 27, (2) : 235-241
Lindberg, Ola J.; From, Jörgen; Holmgren, Tomas; et al.
Networked Learning 2020: Proceedings for the Twelfth International Conference on Networked Learning 2020, Aalborg University (AAU) 2020 : 333-340
Schnaider, Karoline
European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning, Sciendo 2020, Vol. 23, (2) : 65-82
Pettersson, Gerd; Näsström, Gunilla
Educational studies (Dorchester-on-Thames), Routledge 2020, Vol. 46, (6) : 727-743
Olofsson, Anders D.; Fransson, Göran; Lindberg, J. Ola
Education and Information Technologies: Official Journal of the IFIP technical committee on Education, Springer 2020, Vol. 25, (4) : 2353-2369
Karakoyun, Ferit; Lindberg, Ola J.
The international journal of information and learning technology, Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2020, Vol. 37, (5) : 375-387
Schnaider, Karoline; Gu, Limin; Rantatalo, Oscar
The international journal of information and learning technology, Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2020, Vol. 37, (3) : 87-98
Stenman, Saga; Pettersson, Fanny
Education in the North, School of Education at the University of Aberdeen 2020, Vol. 27, (2) : 24-37
Siljebo, Josef
IADIS International Conference Educational Technologies 2020, IADIS Press 2020 : 57-64
Bergström, Peter; Rönnlund, Maria; Tieva, Åse
IMHE-WELL4SD 2020: Joint Proceedings of Workshops IMHE 2020 and WELL4SD 2020
Mårell-Olsson, Eva; Broman, Karolina
The international journal of information and learning technology, Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2020, Vol. 37, (5) : 341-4880
Parfa Koskinen, Katarina
Education in the North, Aberdeen: School of Education at the University of Aberdeen 2020, Vol. 27, (2) : 136-151
Parfa Koskinen, Katarina
Proceedings for the Twelfth International Conference on Networked Learning 2020: May 18-20 2020, Online, AAlborg: Aalborg University 2020 : 326-332
Parfa Koskinen, Katarina
Stockholm: 2019
Pettersson, Fanny
Stockholm: Skolverket 2019
Pettersson, Gerd
British Journal of Special Education, Vol. 46, (2) : 180-200
Pettersson, Gerd; Ström, Kristina
Networked professional learning: emerging and equitable discourses for professional development, Cham: Springer 2019 : 167-185
Pettersson, Fanny; Olofsson, Anders D.
ICICTE 2019 Proceedings, ICICTE 2019 2019 : 21-30
Liljeström, Monica; Paulin, Hanna; Holmgren, Carina


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