Research group Focus within Leadership, organisation, and working life (LOA) is on how individuals learn, are formed and changed in and through different working life related pedagogical processes. Such processes take place in transitions from education to working life, in working life and in organisations and thus become important fields of research. One important aspect of organisational studies focuses on leadership and leadership development.
Research within this field is linked to different study programmes that involve questions on leadership, organisation-, and working life, like Programme on Human Resource Development and Labour Relation, the Police Academy, the School Leadership Training Programme and the master programme on Organisation and Management. In addition, we relate our work to courses within other programmes and in the form of freestanding courses related to leadership and HR. One of the courses is given in English - Organizational Leadership Development, 7.5 credits. The course is given as an independent course for international and Swedish students and is combined with the Human Resource Management Programme. The course is given during the autumn semesters and is an English language course.
The following pedagogical processes are studied within LOA:
Reflection in education and vocational training is studied in the research program EDREP - Education for reflection in practice. In these projects, students are followed in professional education into working life with a focus on how their reflective abilities develop.
Transitions and processes of transfer between education and working life. We also pay attention to concepts like "employability", professionalisation and competences for working life.
Processes of learning and change within working life; within organisations and companies, and particular professions, is of interest for this area.
Processes of leadership in working life and in different kinds of organisations. A particular focus is on the making of leadership in the educational sector (e.g. academic leadership) and in the police organisation.
The interest in how organisations are organised, managed and institutionalised are also represented in the area.
These processes are understood in relation to the different historical, cultural, societal, and organisational contexts of working life. Perspectives related to manifoldness and gender are also of great concern within this research area.
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