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Mårten Werner - liver diseases

Research group Our group works against liver diseases including liver cancer.

Our research focuses on cancer risk in autoimmune liver disease, the impact of alcohol and metabolic factors on the liver, the role of low-grade inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, and the pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of transtyretin amyloidosis.

Liver research includes liver diseases, liver cancer and liver cancer screening. Our group has two previous works on hepatocellular carcinoma.

We are now working in the field of cancer, further towards in-depth work on hepatocellular carcinoma and autoimmune hepatitis and on how patients with hepatocellular carcinoma are found and how we can get more of them found in time before the tumour has grown too large.

The group is also involved in a number of clinical drug trials.

The Gastro Section at Norrlands Universitetssjukhus conducts clinical research on liver diseases, inflammatory bowel disease, functional gastrointestinal diseases and transtyretin amyloidosis.

Head of research

Mårten Werner
Senior physician


Participating departments and units at Umeå University

Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine

Research area

Cancer, Clinical medicine, Public health and health care science
Latest update: 2022-04-27