Research group The goal for this group is increasingly effective use of our limited resources required for sustainable development, both locally and globally.
In recent years, both the climate problem and the problem of limited resources have become illuminated and made clear to all. Increasingly more effective use of our limited resources is required for a sustainable development, both locally and globally.
Energy in buildings
The limited availability of fossil fuels and the large climate impact from the combustion of these fuels, coupled together with the overconsumption of electricity and rising living standards, have encouraged investments in more and more efficient energy use. The building sector accounts for about 40 percent of the energy use in Europe and about the same ratio also applies to Sweden. There are many ways to reduce the energy consumption of a building without simultaneously impairing comfort. Increased energy efficiency of buildings means: less environmental impact, lower total cost, higher comfort, assurance against energy price increases, and compliance with laws and requirements.
Years of experience
Energy Efficiency Group (EEG) has many years of expertise and experience in the field of energy efficiency. Many of our research projects are interdisciplinary and often concern several different disciplines within energy and building technology, ranging from primary energy conversion (production) and distribution to the end use of energy.
The ongoing research and development activities conducted within the group are currently dominated by end-use energy efficiency in buildings, in industry, and in district heating. Our main focus is currently centered on measurements within newly built and refurbished buildings with the aim of developing techniques and methodology to evaluate and validate the performance of various implemented system solutions and energy-efficiency measures.
Contact Information
Thomas Olofsson
Umeå Universitet
901 87 Umeå
Visiting Address
Teknikhuset, B221
Tel: +46 90 7866710
Mobile: 070-340 64 21
Research funding
Competence center in District Heating
A joint competence center between Umeå Energy AB and the Department of Applied Physics and Electronics. Umeå University, through the Department of Applied Physics and Electronics, has for a long time been working closely with Umeå Energy AB regarding examinations, study visits and various research and collaboration projects.
This cooperation has now been formalized through the establishment of a joint district heating center for research, development and application as well as education in Umeå.
The purpose of the competence center is to contribute
Mutual competence development
To utilize new technology, research and experience
Develop and implement new solutions and systems
Optimizing existing systems to contribute to a more efficient use of district heating
To adapt current and future systems to meet the changes that society's climate adaptation brings about.
Ruggedised Horizon 2020
RUGGEDISED is a smart city project funded under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. It brings together three lighthouse cities: Rotterdam, Glasgow and Umeå and three follower cities: Brno, Gdansk and Parma to test, implement and accelerate the smart city model across Europe. Working in partnership with businesses and research centres these six cities will demonstrate how to combine ICT, e-mobility and energy solutions to design smart, resilient cities for all.
Visit of project partner from Green Artic Building (GrAB) to TFE in September.
Project meeting Energy Pathfinder
Digital platform for homeowners to get advice on optimal renovation solutions
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