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The profile area group also provides teaching at basic, advanced and graduate levels within the psychology programs, cross-disciplinary courses, and as free standing courses.

Courses that the profile area is in charge of within The Study Programmes for University Diploma in Psychology

Developmental Psychology, 7.5 Credits (basic level)

Individual in-depth course in Developmental Psychology for the Psychology Graduate Programs, 6 Credits (advanced level)

Individual in-depth course in Psychology and Aging for the Psychology Graduate Programs, 6 Credits (advanced level)

Courses that the profile area is in charge of within the Speech-Language Pathology Program

Developmental Psychology I, with focus on cognitive development, 7.5 Credits

Developmental Psychology II, with focus on Social and Emotional Development, 7.5 Credits

Advanced level course

Child development with focus on cognitive and social-emotional domains, 7.5 Credits (master level)

We also add a developmental component, teaching both typical and atypical development, to several other courses.

Latest update: 2024-06-20