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Cooperative and intelligent embedded systems

Research group Today we see a revolution in the use of artificial intelligence and autonomous systems, where machines that will facilitate both our work and our everyday lives are becoming increasingly independent. Where in the past large data centers were needed to create intelligent systems, the intelligence in the systems of the future is increasingly built into the "things" we surround ourselves with in our vicinity and everyday life.

To introduce this form of distributed intelligence all the way to the edge of the network, we need to develop better cooperative and federated learning algorithms and more efficient computer architectures for machine intelligence in embedded systems.

It is also important that the communication between all these systems is dependable, so that the systems are as reliable and robust as possible. In this group, we do research on all aspects of "cooperative and intelligent embedded systems" and the building blocks that an autonomous and intelligent system needs to act in the physical world, such as sensors, cognition, and actuators.

Latest update: 2021-04-30