Strategic research area
Bio4Energy is a strategic research environment with focus on renewable feedstocks, biorefinery processes, and bio-based fuels, chemicals and materials. Bio4Energy includes more than 220 researchers from Umeå University, Luleå University of Technology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and RISE. Bio4Energy also has an Advisory Board with members from industry and other stakeholders in the area.
World-leading research on energy, materials and chemicals
Today, a large part of all energy carriers, chemicals and materials come from fossil sources. Researchers and entrepreneurs in northern Sweden want to change this by replacing fossil products with products made from residues from forestry and agriculture or bio-based organic waste. Together they work in the research environment Bio4Energy.
The research within Bio4Energy is at the international forefront and covers the entire value chain — from forest trees and other plants to products such as biofuels, bio-based materials and "green" chemicals, which can be used for packaging, textiles and medical applications, for example. The vision is to create environmentally friendly and sustainable technologies that make it possible to replace today's oil refineries with biorefineries.
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Research projects
The strategic funds of Bio4Energy are used to support interdisciplinary collaborative projects where Bio4Energy researchers from different disciplines and organizations participate.