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Image: Mattias Pettersson

Beatrice Melins group

Research group Brain tumors and especially gliomas are tumors that are not easily cured. The most malignant form glioblastoma have very poor survival.

The etiology of brain tumors is not well known, apart from some genetic factors and ionising radiation. Our group tries to understand the underlying causes of glioma and find biomarkers to detect glioma early. Our overall aim is to gain a deeper understanding of the underlying pattern for the glioma architecture subtypes.

We use both cohort and collected case series from several different studies, such as (U-CAN   and  Northern Sweden Health and disease study

Head of research

Beatrice Melin
Professor, senior consultant (attending) physician (on leave), professor, senior consultant (attending) physician


Participating departments and units at Umeå University

The Section of Biobank and Registry Support

Research area

International Journal of Epidemiology, Oxford University Press 2025, Vol. 54, (1)
Späth, Florentin; Wennberg, Patrik; Johansson, Robert; et al.
American Journal of Epidemiology, Oxford University Press 2024, Vol. 193, (11) : 1592-1599
Malmberg, Charlotte; Numan Hellquist, Barbro; Sadanandan, Sajna Anand; et al.
Neuro-Oncology Practice, Oxford University Press 2024, Vol. 11, (2) : 125-131
Edström, Sonja; Numan Hellquist, Barbro; Sandström, Maria; et al.
Scientific Reports, Springer Nature 2024, Vol. 14
Löding, Sebastian; Antti, Henrik; Sjöberg, Rickard L.; et al.
Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology
Edlund, Jessica; Sdougkou, Kalliroi; Papazian, Stefano; et al.
Nature Communications, Springer Nature 2024, Vol. 15, (1)
Went, Molly; Duran-Lozano, Laura; Halldorsson, Gisli H.; et al.
Haematologica, Ferrata Storti Foundation 2024, Vol. 109, (7) : 2359-2363
Pulczynski, Elisa Jacobsen; Simonsen, Mikkel Runason; Kuittinen, Outi; et al.
New Cancer Fund millions for UMU research

Ten projects at Umeå University receive a total of 30 million SEK from the Swedish Cancer Society.

Extensive study of brain tumor

An Umeå researcher is co-founder of an international team, which has found genetic factors behind glioma.

Knowledge of brain tumour metabolism can improve treatment

Metabolites expression varies greatly between subgroups of malignant brain tumors, cancer researchers show.

Latest update: 2024-08-02