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Autonomous Distributed Systems Lab

Research group Distributed systems, addressing the intelligent and automatic management of resources and applications in, e.g., compute clouds and software-defined infrastructures.

The foundation of the digitised society

The Umeå University distributed systems' research focuses on the autonomous management of the resources and applications forming the digitized society. Target infrastructures span from single large-scale cloud datacenters, via federations of clouds, to the highly distributed clouds that potentially may become the backbone for the full-fledged Internet-of-Things (IoT) and the more flexible concept of Software-Defined Infrastructures. Research drivers are computed and data-intensive applications requiring, e.g., elastic locality-aware infrastructures to meet the rapid capacity and locality variations of industrial services and large-scale distributed environments that enable coordinated use of federated resources for eScience applications, and machine-to-machine applications in the IoT context.

Interdisciplinary Collaborations

The research itself is highly multidisciplinary, developing the future autonomous management systems with contributions from feedback control, discrete optimization, mathematical statistics, and artificial intelligence including, in particular, machine learning. Given the multidisciplinary nature of the research and the major industrial interests in the field, the research is frequently performed in formal or informal collaborations.

Among academic collaborations, one may highlight our central role in Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program, (WASP) – the largest individual research investment in Sweden in modern time with a budget of SEK 5.5 billion. Over the years, key industrial collaboration partners have included Ericsson Research (Stockholm and Lund, Sweden), Intel (Germany), IBM (multiple countries), Google (US), Red Hat (Spain), and TietoEvry (Sweden).

And where do they go?

For PhD students and postdoc researchers, being a member of the ADSlab is a step towards very interesting opportunities in research or leading-edge tech development - in both industry and academia. Recent departees to the industry have as their first or second job joined companies including Apple (US), IBM Research (Ireland), IBM (Canada), Lawrence Berkeley Lab (US),  Ericsson Research (5 people in Sweden and Canada), TietoEvry (Sweden), and Red Hat (Spain). Furthermore, about ten people have joined our own spin-off company - Elastisys.

Academic institutions that our former PhD students are employed at include - for example - Carnegie Mellon University (US), University of Massachusetts Amherst (US), and Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden). 

Cloud Control Workshops

We have established the Cloud Control Workshops. For past and upcoming events, please visit our webpage. 

Research leaders

Paul Townend
Associate professor
Per-Olov Östberg
Associate professor
Monowar Bhuyan
Associate professor
Atakan Aral
Visiting lecturer
Cristian Klein
Adjunct associate professor
Feras M. Awaysheh
Associate professor


Participating departments and units at Umeå University

Department of Computing Science

Research area

Computing science

Research projects

Energy-Aware Autonomous Management for Cloud-Edge Infrastructures
Duration 24 January 2024 until 31 December 2027
Type of project Research project
De facto Center of Excellence in Autonomous Distributed Systems
Duration 1 December 2023 until 30 April 2029
Type of project Research project
Arbitrating QoS Factors for Mission Critical Applications at the Edge of the Network
Duration 1 August 2023 until 31 July 2027
Type of project Research project
COGNIT: A Cognitive Serverless Framework for the Cloud-Edge Continuum
Duration 31 January 2023 until 31 December 2025
Type of project Research project
WASP WARA – Operational Data Research Arena
Duration 15 January 2023 until 31 December 2025
Type of project Research project
Intelligent Service Mesh for an Autonomous Network-Compute Fabric
Duration 1 September 2022 until 31 August 2026
Type of project Research project
Intelligent Cloud Robotics for Real-Time Manipulation at Scale
Duration 1 August 2022 until 31 July 2027
Type of project Research project
WARA Common Information Bridge – Enabling Research on Data-Driven Cloud Operations
Research area: Computing science
Duration 1 September 2021 until 1 September 2022
Type of project Research project
Anomaly Detection and Countermeasures for Edgeclouds
Research area: Computing science
Duration 1 January 2020 until 31 December 2024
Type of project Research project
Analytics-driven Edge Cloud Automation
Research area: Computing science
Duration 1 January 2020 until 29 April 2024
Type of project PhD project
Strategic initiative for international leadership in AI and software
Research area: Computing science
Duration 1 January 2020 until 31 December 2024
Type of project Research project
DEBLOAT: Code Debloating from Source Code to Large-scale Deployment
Research area: Computing science
Duration 1 January 2019 until 31 December 2021
Type of project Research project
Management Beyond the Edge
Research area: Computing science
Duration 1 September 2018 until 31 August 2021
Type of project Research project
Machine Learning-based Observability and Diagnostics in Future Networks and Mobile Edge Clouds
Research area: Computing science
Duration 1 January 2018 until 31 December 2022
Type of project PhD project
Mobility-aware Resource Management for Mobile Edge Clouds
Research area: Computing science
Duration 1 January 2016 until 31 December 2020
Type of project Research project
Autonomous Cloud Management
Research area: Computing science
Duration 1 January 2016 until 31 December 2020
Type of project Research project

Latest publications

The 38th IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS)
Nguyen, Chanh Le Tan; Seo, Eunil; Zahid, Muhammad; et al.
Forough, Javad; Haddadi, Hamed; Bhuyan, Monowar H.; et al.
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, IEEE 2024, Vol. 21, (2) : 1432-1445
Sundqvist, Tobias; Bhuyan, Monowar H.; Elmroth, Erik
Proceedings of the 14th international conference on cloud computing and services science, Portugal: Science and Technology Publications 2024 : 117-128
Nguyen, Chanh Le Tan; Klein, Cristian; Elmroth, Erik
Cluster Computing, Springer 2024, Vol. 27, (4) : 4095-4125
Patel, Yashwant Singh; Townend, Paul; Singh, Anil; et al.
IEEE Access, IEEE 2024, Vol. 12 : 171897-171910
Forough, Javad; Haddadi, Hamed; Bhuyan, Monowar; et al.
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 2024, Vol. 21, (6) : 6670-6683
Mudgal, Ankur; Verma, Abhishek; Singh, Munesh; et al.
IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 2024, Vol. 5, (12) : 6551-6565
Banerjee, Sourasekhar; Bhuyan, Devvjiit; Elmroth, Erik; et al.
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Internet of Things, Gent EAI 2024, Vol. 10
Meyers, Charles; Löfstedt, Tommy; Elmroth, Erik
Doktorand Oliver Larsson i kort hår och glasögon, iklädd varm kappa, utomhus.
Computer scientist new representative in IVA

Oliver Larsson new representative in the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences' Student Council.

Mickaël Zehren står i svart kavaj och försvarar sin avhandling.
From automated DJ mixing to artificial intelligence in news media

The Department of Computing Science celebrated three doctoral students on Monday.

Javad Forough’s findings could lead to better healthcare

Since 2020, Javad has researched and studied algorithms to improve healthcare, for example.

Latest update: 2024-03-12