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Anne-Marie Fors Connolly Lab

Research group The group's research focuses on acute and long-term complications following infections, using whole-population data from Sweden.

The Fors Connolly research group focuses on clinical epidemiology and the complications of infectious diseases by using unique whole-population data from Sweden. Thanks to the Nordic personal identification number system, we can link data from various national registers and follow individuals over time, enabling detailed analyses of risk factors, disease progression, and outcomes following infections. This database provides an invaluable basis for studying the impact of infectious diseases on an entire population with high precision. Several ongoing projects are underway in our group; below is a sample:

CRITICAL MICROBES – Comprehensive Research on Infections Complications Across the Lifespan; MICROBiology Epidemiology in Sweden (FORTE-funded)

The CRITICAL MICROBES project aims to create a national database that integrates test results from clinical microbiology laboratories with outcomes of infectious diseases across Sweden. By collecting and harmonizing whole-population data—including socioeconomic, demographic, and clinical variables—the project seeks to provide a comprehensive overview of how infections affect public health. The insights gained are intended to support improved surveillance, decision-making, and evidence-based public health measures.


VIRAL RENAL – Viral Infection Severity and Its Impact on Renal Complications (Funded by Centrala ALF and BAS-ALF)

The VIRAL RENAL project focuses on quantifying the severity of viral infections and evaluating their impact on kidney complications. By developing and validating a novel method to measure initial disease severity using national registry data, the project aims to elucidate how various viral infections—such as SARS-CoV-2, influenza, and Puumala virus—increase the risk of both acute and long-term kidney damage. This work combines advanced statistical analysis with clinical expertise to enhance our understanding of virus-related kidney effects and optimize treatment strategies.


VIRAL BRAIN – Viral Big Data Research on Acute Infectious Neuropsychiatric Complications (EU-funded)

The VIRAL BRAIN project investigates the connection between acute viral infections and neuropsychiatric complications, such as psychosis, delirium, and encephalitis. By analyzing extensive national registry data with advanced statistical methods and machine learning, the project aims to identify risk periods, vulnerable individuals, and the underlying mechanisms driving these complications. The goal is to build a robust evidence base that can serve as a foundation for targeted preventive measures and improved clinical strategies for managing post-viral neuropsychiatric outcomes.

Head of research

Anne-Marie Fors Connolly
Associate professor, other position


Participating departments and units at Umeå University

Department of Clinical Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine

Research area

Infection biology
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Latest update: 2025-02-25