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Image: Linnéa Höök

Age and Justice

Profile area The Age and Justice teaching and research theme brings together researchers and teachers with an interest in age as a factor in (the theories and application) of law. We highlight the implications of a person's age for access to rights and justice, for legal status and legal certainty; when decisions and judgments often are made on behalf of the younger or older person. Overall, we focus on societal challenges, professional practice and social innovation.

Children and the elderly have common challenges in safeguarding and executing their rights, and in their access to justice. In legal science, children’s rights and “elderly's rights” have mainly been focused separately. In this theme, the age factor is starting point, which brings together child and elder law research.

Age as a legal factor is actualized in many areas of law such as labor law, social law, constitutional law, discrimination law, family law, school law and more; actually more or less all areas of law. This theme’s cross-section creates new possibilities in terms of research and knowledge, with strong relevance for society.

Although research and teaching within the framework of the theme is often related to welfare and social justice. Common factors include i.a. empowerment, autonomy and integrity. Joint denominators also include the need for interdisciplinary knowledge and exploration of concepts such as ageism and intergenerational justice.


Contact person

Maria Forsman
Associate professor


Participating departments and units at Umeå University

Department of Law

Research area

Latest update: 2024-01-25