Sign up to #frAIday to receive weekly updates on upcoming lectures and a Zoom link to participate. Register before 10.00 AM on Friday's to receive the link for that week's talk.
#frAIday is a series of inspiring talks on Artificial Intelligence organised by TAIGA, the Centre for Transdisciplinary AI at Umeå University. Participating in #frAIday is your opportunity to share your knowledge about AI, learn more, and discuss a wide range of perspectives on AI. Join, and meet new interesting people!
ImageVeronica Pålsson
Sign up to #frAIday to receive weekly updates on upcoming lectures and a Zoom link to participate. Register before 10.00 AM on Friday's to receive the link for that week's talk.
Below you'll find a list of previous lectures and speakers, some of which were recorded and are possible to watch via our channel at Umu Play.
Spring 2025
"Stochastic Remembering and Distributed Mnemonic Agency - Recalling twentieth century activits with ChatGPT"
Samuel Merrill, Thomas Smits, Rik Smit
"How to teach responsible AI in Higher Education: challenges and opportunities"
Juan Carlos Nieves Sanchez, associate professor at Umeå University
"Simulating Emotions - as manifestations of Temporal Difference assessment in RL"
Joost Broekens, associate professor at Leiden University.
"AI in biomedicine - from data to drug repurposing"
Alejandro Rodríguez González, Professor at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
Fall 2024
”What do LLMs know about language?”
Celiné Budding, PhD Candidate at Eindhoven University of Technology
”Embodiment in the AI Era”
Thomas Hellström, Professor at Umeå University
”Reflexivity in AI Systems”
Susana Schellenberg, Distinguished professor at Rutgers university
”The Pits: Art Practice in the Rise of Generative AI”
Daniel Shanken, Postdoctoral fellow at Umeå University
”Getting the Ethics of AI Right”
Madeleine Hayenhjelm, Senior lecturer at Umeå University
”Intersectional Hallucinations in synthetic structured data”
Saghi Hajisharif, , Principal engineer researcher
Ericka Johnson, Professor at Linköping University
”Green Music Informatics? Investigating Computational Cost of Recent Music-AI Research”
Andre Holzapfel, Associate Professor at KTH Royal Institute of Technology
”Interdisciplinary AI and robotics research spanning from psychology to law”
Jim Tørresen, Professor at University of Oslo, Norge
”The Contestation Café”
Robert Collins, Doctoral Researcher at Umeå University
”Social Explainable AI: What is it and how can we make it happen?”
Kary Främling, Professor at Umeå University
”Transformer-based variables for estimating hate crimes in police reports”
Hannes Waldetoft, PhD student at Uppsala University Umuplay:
”Using generative pre-trained transformers (GPTs) to track national sentiments”
Aleksandra Cichocka, Professor at University of Kent, Canterbury
"Robotics Technologies and their Benchmarking at International Robotics Competitions"
Gustavo Garcia, Associate Professor at Ritsumeikan Universitet, Japan
”Learning and reasoning in AI systems vs. in humans”
If we can build smart machines, what would this tell us about human intelligence?
Nina Poth Humboldt , Postdoctoral researcher at University Berlin
”Modelling humans for educational simulations”
How can we model human behaviour?
Carole Adam, Assistant Professor at Université Grenoble Alpes
”AI Art Commissioning”
The Future of AI Art Commissioning
Paola Torres & Sarah Cook
Paola Torres Nunez del Prado, Transdisciplinary artist and researcher at Stockholm University of the Arts
”AI and the written word”
How will AI-generated content affect our trust in the written word?
Thomas Hellström , Professor at Umeå University
”AI, Design, and More-than-Human Justice”
How can we shape AI ethics and environmental philosophy to create a fairer future for all?
Josh Gellers , Professor at University of North Florida
”The Wizard of AI”
Journey through the ethical, aesthetic, and legal landscapes of Generative Art
Alan Warburton, Artist, animator, author, curator and video essayist at Birkbeck’s Vasari Centre
”Can AI help understand human errors?”
Leveraging AI to understand human failures
Nicolas Sabouret , Professor at University Paris-Saclay
”Towards Interactive Machine Learning for Personalised Physical Training”
AI for empowering movement and customization
Annika Waern, Professor at Uppsala University
Laia Turmo Vidal, Postdoc at KTH
”Towards Resilient AI in healthcare”
Can AI navigate the uncertainties of healthcare for personalized care?
Paolo Soda , Professor at University Campus Bio-Medico di Roma
”Engaging Users with Conversational AI”
How can conversational AI be designed to increase user engagement?
Samuel Cox, at Aalborg University
”AI moderators and human contextuality”
Challenges in the EU online moderation regulation
Therese Enarsson, Docent at Umeå University
”The role of WARA Media & Language in AI”
How does collaboration between different sectors drive AI Media innovation?
Somayeh Jafaritazehjani (Umu), Research engineer at Umeå University
”Prediction models and artificial intelligence for improving prostate cancer diagnostics and treatment.”
How can prediction models and AI improve prostate cancer diagnostics and treatments?
Martin Eklund, Professor at Karolinska Universitetet
”Is LLM Meaning an Illusion?
Some considerations from the philosophy of language”
What is the difference between LLM meaning and human meaning?
Jessica Pepp , at Uppsala University
”Making friends with AI. ”
What could be a more grounded, understanding of the possibilities of AI?
Bruce Edmonds , Professor at Manchester Metropolitan University
”Adaptive learners in the age of AI”
Leveraging SRL Theory with AI Capabilities to Support Future Learners
Sanna Järvelä, Professor at University of Oulu
”A formal understanding of computational empathy in interactive agents”
Andreas Brännström, Doctoral student at Umeå University
”Politeness and fairness in human-robot interaction”
Exploring politeness, fairness, errors in human-robot interaction: Insights from User Studies
Shikhar Kumar, Ph.D candidate at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
”RNA-omics for improved cancer therapy decision support”
We aim to provide doctors with clinically valuable RNA data to enhance cancer therapy decisions.
Björn Rotter, at GenXPro-GmbH
”What do you buy when you buy an AI system?”
What are important factors to take into account when buying and implementing AI systems?
Frank Dignum, Professor at Umeå University
”An interdisciplinary report on consciousness in AI”
Patrick Butlin , Research Fellow at Future of Humanity Institute at the University of Oxford
”Explanation and Justification in ML-driven Artificial Intelligence/ Does Explainable AI Need Cognitive Models?”
Come to this talk to hear about the benefits of using cognitive models in Explainable AI!
Carlos Zednik, Assistant Professor at Eindhoven University of Technology
”Generative AI for Learning”
Opportunities and Challenges for Higher Education
Peter Parnes, Professor at Luleå University of Technology
”Machine learning in science: Just a toy?”
Why ML models are toy models
Emily Sullivan, Ph.D., Assistant Professor at Eindhoven University of Technology
”The Art of Environmental Intelligence”
Experiments in art, agency and automation.
Tega Brain, Assistant Professor at New York University
”On The Philosophical Significance of the Geometry of Language Models Representations”
Are LLMs stochastic parrots, jpeg-compressions of the Internet, or more - and if so, why?
Anders Søgaard, Professor at University of Copenhagen (Dpt. of Computer Science)
”The Generative AI Surge in Digital Platforms”
How is Generative AI redefining the nature and governance of digital platforms?
Angelos Kostis , Assistant Professor at Stanford University
”AI Literacy – what and for whom?”
How much (and what) should everyone know about AI?
Linda Mannila, Assistant Professor at Helsingfors University
”Friend or Foe - How is AI challenging the law's approach to art?”
How do existing laws affect AI-assisted art?
Alana Kushnir, Art lawyer, advisor and curator at Guest Work Agency
”AIronies of automation”
On the role of the human user in the age of AI
Erik Billing, Assistant Professor at University of Skövde
”Introduction to Social AI”
Endowing machines with social intelligence
Alessandro Vinciarelli, Professor at University of Glasgow
Spring 2023
"AI and the Human in the Loophole"
Reuben Binns, Associate Professor of Human Centred Computing, Department of Computing Science, the University of Oxford
"COMMONSIM: Developing a commons-based utopia with agent-based simulation"
Lena Gerdes, PhD Candidate, Department of Socioeconomics, Vienna University of Economics and Business
"Computerized adaptive testing: A conceptual overview"
Per-Erik Lyrén, Associate professor at Department of Applied Educational Science
"How to make better decisions in a complex world ? an agent-based approach"
Jean-Daniel Kant, Associate professor, Sorbonne University - CNRS, Computer Science Lab
"Managing Intelligent Automation experiences in organizations"
Dr. Luciana Blaha, Assistant Professor in Business Management and Human Computer Interaction, Edinburgh Business School, Heriot-Watt University
"Nonhuman Creativity : Artificial Imagination : Human Anticipation"
Joanna Zylinska, Artist, writer, curator, and Professor of Media Philosophy + Critical Digital Practice at King’s College London
"Making AI Accessible"
Anders Garpebring, Associate professor in radiation physics, Umea University
"Opening the black box on AI and fairness: An ethnographic study on AI-based hiring"
Elmira van der Broek, Assistant Professor, Department of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technology, Stockholm School of Economics
"Human Dignity and Artificial Intelligence: Mapping the Contours and Utility of Human Dignity in Addressing Challenges by Artificial Intelligence "
Sue Anne Teo, Europaeum Scholar PhD Fellow LLM, LLB, University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Law, Center for European and Comparative Legal Studies (CECS)
"Teleosemantics for neural word embeddings"
Fintan Declan Mallory, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Art and Ideas, University of Oslo
"Upswing in climate protection reporting. Long-term development of topics and sentiments in Austrian newspapers"
Raven Adam, PhD Candidate, University of Graz
"It takes a village: The ecology of explaining AI"
Lauren Waardenburg, Assistant Professor of Information Systems IESEG School of Management
"Appropriate Automation: Robots and AI in the social services"
Susanne Tafvelin, Associate professor at Department of Psychology, Umeå University
"Compositionality in Deep Neural Networks"
Raphaël Millière, Presidential Scholar in Society and Neuroscience in the Center for Science and Society, and a Lecturer in the Philosophy Department at Columbia University
"Be Careful What You Wish For! AI and the Dream of Optimizing Student Learning in Higher Education"
Teresa Cerratto-Pargman, Full professor of Human-computer interaction, Stockholm University
"Critical Theory of AI"
Simon Lindgren, Professor at the Department of Sociology, Umeå University
"Magic, Myth and AI"
Irini Papadimitrou, curator and Director of Future Everything
"The native need to know: Intrinsically motivated cognition as a foundation for autonomous generally intelligent systems"
Linus Holm, Associate professor at Department of Psychology, Umeå University
"The missing teacher in AI – Teacher agency in AI-mediated systems for fairer outcomes"
Johan Lundin, Professor Deputy head of department with responsibility for research and research education, and Marie Utterberg Modén, Postdoctoral Researcher
Fall 2022
"The Artificial Intelligence Act: A future-proof AI Regulation?"
Noah Schöppl, Technology Governance Researcher at ALLAI
"Justice for Athletes? Predicting Doping Suspensions"
Johan Lindholm, Umeå University
"Good AI for Good: How AI Strategies Address Sustainability"
Andreas Theodorou, Umeå University
"A Framework for XAI in Socio-Technical Systems"
Vanina Martinez, University of Buenos Aires
"Looking for (Artificial) Intelligence"
Dimitri Coelho Mollo, Assistant Professor in Philosophy of AI Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies Umeå University
"Assessment of depression and anxiety with language analysed with artificial intelligence"
Sverker Sikstrom, Professor, Department of Psychology, Lund University
"BAcc - A conversational Agent Framework"
Sylvie Saget, PhD/Doctoral Researcher in Computational Linguistics, University of Gothenburg
"AI for Social Impact: Results from Deployments for Public Health and Conservation"
Milind Tambe, Gordon McKay Professor of Computer Science and Director of the Center for Research in Computation and Society (CRCS) at Harvard University. Principal Scientist & Director, AI for Social Good at Google Research
"PLOT4ai: an open source Privacy Library of Threats for AI/ML"
Isabel Barberá, Privacy Engineer at Rhite, The Netherlands
"Trustworthy AI - Integrating Learning, Optimisation and Reasoning"
Fredrik Heintz, Professor, Linköping University. He leads the program of WASP-ED
"Adversarial Perception in Deep Neural Networks"
Catherine Stinson, Assistant Professor in the Philosophy Department and School of Computing at Queen's University, Kingston, Canada
Spring 2022
"Apocalypse now – no need for AGI"
Thomas Hellström, Professor at the Department of Computing Science, Umeå University. See the presentation here.
"Understandable Robots"
Suna Bensch, Associate Professor, Department of Computing Science, Umeå University. See the presentation here
"Visualization Design as a Critical Lens on Data"
Miriah Meyer, Professor at the Division of Media & Information Technolog, Linköping University. See the presentation here
"The Ocean’s ‘Digital Twin’? Marine Environmental Data Through Time"
Sabine Höhler is Head of Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment; Head of Department of Philosophy and History, KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm. Susanna Lidström is a researcher in environmental humanities at the Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment, KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. Tirza Meyer is a postdoctoral researcher at the Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment, KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm. See the presentation here
"Human - AI symbiosis and the Logic of AI"
Catholijn Jonker, Full professor of Interactive Intelligence at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science of the Delft University of Technology. See the presentation here
"Automated Decision-Making Systems in the Public Sector – An Impact Assessment Tool for Public Authorities"
Matthias Spielkamp, Executive Director at AlgorithmWatch. See the presentation here
"Ethical & Effective Human-Robot Interaction"
Katie Winkle, Digital Futures Postdoctoral Researcher, KTH Royal Institute of Technology. See the presentation here
"Responsible AI & Corona"
Catelijne Muller, President ALLAI, Expert on Artificial Intelligence & Law, Ethics and Society. See the presentation here
Fall 2021
"RAIN - Responsible AI Framework"
Mattias Brännström, Research Engineer and a member of Responsible AI group, Department of Computing Science, Umeå University. See the presentation here
"AI4Heritage: Sweden as Case Study"
Anna Foka, Director of the Centre for Digital Humanities at Uppsala University, and Associate Professor in Digital Humanities. See the presentation here
"Modelling the Emergence of Violent Extremist Small Groups"
Mijke van den Hurk, PhD candidate at Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands; Dutch National Police. See the presentation here
"Enabling social realism in Agent-Based Models - formalising the Social Identity Approach"
Nanda Wijermans, Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University. See the presentation here
"The Role of an AI Designer: design choices and their epistemic and moral limitations"
Jonne Maas, PhD candidate at TU Delft involved with the HumanE AI project. See the presentation here
"Traditional Machine Learning Music"
Bob L. T. Sturm is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. See the presentation here
"Explainable AI (XAI): Who is it intended for?"
Kary Främling, Professor in data science, with an emphasis in data analysis and machine learning and Head of explainable AI (XAI) team at The Department of Computing Science, Umeå University.
See the presentation here
"Creating a culture of Responsible AI"
Linda Leopold, Head of Responsible AI & Data at H&M Group.
"AI for Everyone?"
Dr Pieter Verdegem, Senior Lecturer at Westminister School of Media and Communication.
See the presentation here
"Is there an AI Cold War?"
Joanna Bryson, Professor of Ethics and Technology at the Hertie School, Berlin, Germany.
See the presentation here
"Rule-based semantic modelling"
Anna Jonnson, Senior research engineer at Department of Computing Science at Umeå University.
See the presentation here
"Towards a feminist, relational, conception of Artificial Intelligence"
Virginia Dignum, professor in social and ethical AI, and Wallenberg chair on Responsible Artificial Intelligence. Scientific Director of WASP-HS (Humanities and Society).
"AI, Opacity, and Personal Autonomy"
Bram Vaassen, Postdoctoral fellow in philosophy at the Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies at Umeå University. See the presentation here
"The Civil Society Campaign to Ban Biometric Surveillance"
Daniel Leufer, Europe Policy Analyst at Access Now, a global human rights organisation.
See the presentation here
"Beyond AI Solutionism - Towards a Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Artificial Intelligence in Society"
Simon Lindgren, Professor in Sociology at Umeå University and the director of DIGSUM.
See the presentation here
Spring 2021
"Empirical Model Learning"
Michaela Milano, Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Bologna.
See the presentation here
"Tourism in the virtual lab: Opportunities for AI and tourism collaborations"
Jillian Student, Postdoctoral researcher, Environmental Policy Group, Wageningen University and Research Managing Editor, Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences.
"Building competent social interactive AI"
Rui Prada, Associate Professor at the Computer Science Department of Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon.
"AI-Enhanced Knowledge Harvesting"
Lili Jiang, Associate Professor at Department of Computing Science, Umeå University.
See the presentation here
"In Search of Explainable AI: The Case for a Differentiated Approach under European Union Law"
Martin Ebers, Associate Professor of IT Law at the University of Tartu, Estonia and permanent research fellow at the Humboldt University of Berlin. Co-founder and president Robotics & AI Law Society (RAILS), Germany.
"The AI behind the Advertising"
Johanna Björklund,Associate professor, Department if Computing Science, Umeå University.
See the presentation here
"Reactive Planning - A bio-Inspired AI approach to robot action selection"
Rob Wortham, Lecturer in Robotics & Autonomous Systems, Director of Studies, MSc Robotics & Autonomous Systems, Dept of Electronic & Electrical Engineering, University of Bath, UK.
See the presentation here
"Reasoning - from Humans to Machines"
Thimoteus Kampic, doctoral student at Department of Computing Science, Umeå University.
See the presentation here
"Extended and Autonomous Agency"
Kalle Grill, Associate Professor in Philosophy at Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies.
"Altered Relationships with Autonomous Systems"
Kristina Höök, Professor in Interaction Design at Royal Institute of Technology (KTH).
"Algorithmic Recommendation as Artificial Intelligence: YouTube and Meme Culture"
Gavin Feller, postdoktor at Humlab, Umeå university. See the presentation here
"A Bayesian approach to learning norms from observation in multi-agent systems"
Stephen Cranefield, Professor at Department of Information Science, University of Otago, New Zealand. See the presentation here
"COVID-Town: An Integrated Economic-Epidemiological Agent-Based Model"
Patrick Mellacher, PhD student of economics, the University of Graz, Austria. See the presentation here
"A boxology of design patterns for systems that learn and reason"
Frank van Harmelen, Professor in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning in the Computer Science department (Faculty of Science) at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. See the presentation here
"People are not Binary – Embracing Complexity in Algorithmic Bias Research"
Hannah Devinney, doctoral student at Department of Computing Science and Umeå Centre for Gender Studies (UCGS).
"Making Data understandable: From Data Visualization to Cognitive Big Data"
Artur Lugmayr, Associate Proffessor at Umeå University.
"AI and I – User involvement during design"
Karin Danielsson, Associate Professor at Department of Informatics, Umeå university.
"Putting Norms in Context"
René Mellema, doctoral student at Department of Computing Science.
"Agent models in Unity – Reaching Outside Academia"
Cezara Pastrav, Research Engineer at the Department of Computing Science, Umeå university.
"Standardising and Auditing AI"
Andreas Theodorou, Postdoctoral fellow at Department of Computing Science, Umeå university.
"Applying Cognitive-Affective Models to the Design of Ethical Assistant Agents"
Catriona M Kennedy, Honorary Research Fellow at University of Birmingham. Please
"Contesting algorithmic decision-making"
Andrea Aler Tubella, Senior Researcher at Department of Computing Science, Umeå university.
"Decision Making in Context"
Frank Dignum, Professor at the Department of Computing Science, Umeå university.
"Toward Human-Centric Trustworthy Systems"
Juan Carlos Nieves, Associate Professor at the Department of Computing Science, Umeå university.
"Prototyping for Social Simulation"
Maarten Jensen, Doctoral student, Department of Computing Science at Umeå university.
"Implementing AI in a corporation – the good, the bad and the odd"
Salla Franzen, Chief Data Scientist, SEB.
"Research Directions on Data Privacy"
Vicenc Torra, Professor at Department of Computing Science, Umeå University.
"XAI: A New Model and Its Implications for Medical Ethics"
Erik Campano, Doctoral student, Department of Informatics, Umeå University.
"Lies, deceptions and computation"
Hans van Ditmarsch, Senior Researcher at CNRS, the French National Research Organization.
"From Plato to Yoda, training responsible AI designers for on-the-field action"
LoÏs Vanhée, Associate Professor, Computing Science, Umeå University.
"3o years in search for Human-Centric AI and this is what I found"
Helena Lindgren, Professor, Department of Computing Science, Umeå University.
#frAIday is organised by TAIGA, Centre for Transdisciplinary AI at Umeå University.
The event is supported by The Council for Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems at Umeå University, RAI, and the European project HumaneAI-net.