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Public health and health care science

Public health science has an interdisciplinary environment where researchers from all over the world do research to contribute to an equal and sustainable improvement in global health and welfare. Health science includes research in scientific disciplines such as occupational therapy, physiotherapy, geriatrics, sports medicine, nursing, radiography, rehabilitation medicine, forensic medicine and sexual and reproductive health.

Areas within Public health and health care science

Public health

Public health is an interdisciplinary discipline that studies human health and well-being related to the envir...

Health care science

Health science is a term for science concerned with health - how it can be promoted, experienced, maintained o...

Latest news

Cold exposure risks: insights from Tapper’s ArctiHealth study

Doctoral student Rebecca Tapper presented her research project ArctiHealth at her mid seminar.

Kunskapsprov sjuksköterskor
Test for nurses from outside the EU

Since 2021, the Department of Nursing has examined around 150 people through a practical knowledge test.

Astmasjukt barn inhalerar astmamedicin.
Childhood asthma compared to adult-onset asthma

A thesis shows that factors in early childhood play a significant role in the long-term prognosis of asthma.

Research infrastructures

EPIC - The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition
EPIC was designed to study associations between diet, nutrition, lifestyle, environment, and disease.
Kostdatabas i norra Sverige (NSDD)
NSDD contains refined dietary data based on food frequency questionnaries from Norrbotten and Västerbotten.
Biobank and database for children and young adults in Västerbotten.
Personalised screening, risk prediction, and understanding disease trajectories for early detection of disease - An integrated cohort approach.
The Construction Health Cohort
The construction workers cohort contains data from more than 389,000 individuals from the Swedish construction industry that was collected from 197...
The Northern Sweden MONICA Study
The MONICA Study monitors trends in cardiovascular disease trends in Norrbotten and Västerbotten counties.
A cross-faculty research environment on eHealth.