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Political science

Political science is the study of politics, power and democracy, and the shaping of societies through the constant interplay between cooperation and conflict. The focus of the field is society-wide: from the individual to the family and private to public institutions that regulate human life. The latter includes parliaments, governments, local and regional democracy and international organizations like the European Union and United Nations.

Elsa Karlsson Gustafsson
Winner of the Parliaments essay Award 2023

A day at work of Elsa Karlsson Gustafsson

Research trip in Mostar

A Day at work for Matheus Souza, doctoral student in Peace and conflict studies

Representative Democracy Data Archive (REPDEM)
REPDEM provides access to world-leading databases for research on the struggle for the power of government, primarily in European parliamentary...
Research area: Political science
Outstanding research in focus when the U.S. Ambassador visits the Arctic Centre

The Arctic has become an increasingly important region, not least in connection with climate change.

Academia's role in the climate crisis

Arcum-affiliated Johan Örestig spoke in front of a large climate change protest in central Umeå.

Socio-political potential of blue carbon economies in SE Asia
Duration 1 January 2024 until 31 December 2026
Type of project Research project
Making waterways sustainable: A model for legitimate collaboration in Swedish hydropower
Research area: Political science
Duration 1 March 2023 until 28 February 2026
Type of project Research project
Elected Representatives as Victims of Crime: Legal and Institutional Paths to Protection and Remedies
Research area: Law, Political science
Duration 1 January 2023 until 31 December 2025
Type of project Research project
Beyond winners and losers: Regional variations of peace in Sri Lanka’s war victory (REGIOPEACE)
Research area: Political science
Duration 1 January 2023 until 31 December 2026
Type of project Research project
Educational Leadership
Research is carried out on governance, leadership and support in different types of educational organizations and on the effects of these activities.
Environment and natural resource politics
Learn more about the research theme.
Research area: Political science
Municipalities, Regions and Public Sector Activities
The group investigates how public sector activities at local, regional and central levels are carried out.
Research area: Political science
Peace and Conflict Studies
The group focuses on how sustainable peace can be established and how crisis management can be organised.
Representative Democracy – institutions and political parties in Sweden, Europe and the EU
The central research question is how representative democracy at national and European levels responds to contemporary challenges.
Research area: Political science