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Police science

Från vänster: Jon Petter Stoor, Jennie Brandén, Lena Maria Nilsson, Monica Burman. Foto: Hans-Olof Utsi.
Recognized for their research

Researchers awarded a prize by a Norwegian journal for their study on sexual violence against Sámi women

Tre personer står med Holo Lens och drönare vid en polisbil. Det är Anders Schogster och Jonas Hansson från enheten för polisutbildningen och Juan Carlos Nieves Sanchez, universitetslektor i datavetenskap.
They study AI in the future of policing

Computing Science and the Police Education Unit in a unique research collaboration.

Preparedness in focus in central Umeå

Visit Umeå together with the CBRNE centre invite the public to Emergency Preparedness Day in central Umeå.

Crime prevention and security-creating police work
The aim is to provide wide background knowledge and understanding in the field of police work.
Research area: Police science
Learning in police work
Research about training to become a police officer and the transition to working life.
Research area: Police science
Stress and health in police work
Research on how police officers handle traumatic experiences in their work.
Research area: Police science