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Medical technology

Research in Medical technology contributes with new knowledge in pathophysiology of diseases and new methods in diagnostics and therapy. In Umeå, there are prominent research groups in biofluid mechanics, motion analysis, image processing, radiation therapy, sensors and AI. The research is often interdisciplinary and research groups are a mix of technical and clinical researchers. Strong areas are, for example, in neuroscience, cancer, cardiovascular and imaging and functional medicine.

Latest news

Gruppledarna står uppradade på en trappa och blir fotograferade
SciLifeLab site Umeå celebrates 16 new Group Leaders

SciLifeLab site Umeå celebrates 16 new Group Leaders with cake and a get-together.

Sophia Harlid sits at a white table and smiles while talking to three researcher who have their backs to the camera.
AI for Images and Genomes, Cancer Research at the Lunch Pitch

Pitches: AI for image processing, understanding breast cancer risk and unravelling plant genome complexity.

Jian-Feng Mao and Cemal Erdem sit across from each other at a white table and discuss.
Cemal Erdem and Elin Chorell seek collaborators at a Lunch Pitch

The pitches covered cancer and disease modeling and the role of sphingolipids in metabolic diseases.

An audience of seated researchers listen intently to a research pitch while eating their lunches
IceLab opens the 2024 Lunch Pitches

IceLab opens its Lunch Pitch season with pitches related to aging from Verena Kohler and Mattias Forsell

Rum med stor apparat med brits in i
Machine learning can make medical images more reliable

Treatment of cancer can be improved with machine learning making pictures sharper, shows a new thsis.

Healthy millions from the Swedish Research Council for research at Umeå University

Umeå University is well ahead in autumn's allocation in the medical field from the Swedish Research Council.

Beyond the moment - brain research then, now and in the future

At UFBI, the brain and memory are studied through longitudinal studies using MRI and PET.

Three perspectives on doctoral student life

Read about the challenging journey from being a student to a researcher.

Research infrastructures

Biomedical Engineering – Research and Development (MT-R&D)
MT-R&D’s development and research support is a research infrastructure that offers extensive technical competence and equipment to researchers and...
Umeå Centre for Comparative Biology (UCCB)
Biomedical research on experimental animals at Umeå University is organized within Umeå Centre for Comparative Biology (UCCB).

Research groups

Applied Optics
Combustion diagnostics, exhaled breath gas analysis and chemical imaging.
Biomedical Engineering
Medical imaging, physiological pressure and flow measurements, biomedical signal analysis.
Centre for Biomedical Engineering and Physics
CMTF is a network connecting research groups from several departments at Umeå University and Luleå University of Technology. The aim to coordinate...
Tufve Nyholm Lab
Magnetic resonance imaging both for planning radiation therapy and for early estimation of treatment response.
Research area: Cancer, Medical technology

Research projects

Harnessing Segmentation Uncertainties for Enhanced Radiotherapy
Research area: Cancer, Medical technology
Duration 2 June 2024 until 2 June 2028
Type of project PhD project
Smart Personalized Medication Assistant, SMAP
Duration 15 January 2023 until 14 January 2025
Type of project Research project
Next generation quantitative magnetic resonance imaging for individualized radiotherapy
Research area: Cancer, Medical technology
Duration 2 February 2022
Type of project Research project
MT4North - Business model
Duration 1 September 2020 until 28 February 2022
Type of project Research project
Can ear disease diagnostics be improved and made accessible with digital technologies and artificial intelligence?


Duration 1 January 2020 until 31 December 2025
Type of project Research project
3D Ray Tracing for analysis and evaluation of Cross-Linking Treatment for Corneal diseases
Duration 1 January 2017 until 30 June 2018
Type of project Research project
Pioneering ultrasound imaging methods for neuromuscular diagnostics
Duration 1 January 2016 until 31 December 2024
Type of project Research project