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Language studies

Teckninng av Amor med ögonbindel
Five hundred years of love

Studies on metaphors in English show that love is often described in terms like a commodity.

Enabling research - research for future use

Professor Per Ambrosiani and Sanna Isabel Ulfsparre, librarian in a talk about research data.

Discolampa i guld, mikrofon i olika färger. Blå bakgrund med ljuseffekter. Illustration.
Linguistics and the Eurovision Song Contest

Building Bridges Eurovision Podcast highlights summer course at the Department of Language Studies.

Porträttbild på Kajsa Törmä
Kajsa Törmä presents at NYU Space Talks

"The lecture explores how the language we use when talking about outer space is shaped by three key factors"

"Everyone has the right to understand their rights"

Plain language means writing clearly, concisely, organised, and appropriate for the intended audience.

Writing as nutrition for democracies
Duration 1 January 2019 until 31 December 2021
Type of project Research project
Multilingualism, education and linguistic landscapes
Duration 1 August 2018
Type of project PhD project
Negotiations of power and gender in studio conversations about cross-country skiing.
Research area: Language studies
Duration 1 February 2017 until 31 December 2020
Type of project Research project
CogLing UmU
CogLing UmU is a cluster of researchers who study language as an integrated cognitive phenomenon. Our research areas include lexical semantics,...
Research area: Language studies
FemHum is a group of humour researchers who take a feminist approach. Much of our research examines humour from different perspectives of power...
Northern Linguistic Landscapes
Northern Linguistic Landscapes. Visual(izing) languages in the North.
The Syntax Network
The Syntax Network is a research group with researchers from Lund University, Gothenburg University, Linköping University and Umeå University. With...
Research area: Language studies