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Viruses - an invisible but ubiquitous part of our lives

Virology in Umeå is concerned with every aspect of viruses: how they are built up, how they replicate, how they cause disease and whether they can be reprogrammed to defeat diseases such as cancer. Umeå virologists are present at several departments on campus and are happily collaborating with the larger life science community in Umeå and worldwide.

Viruses exist in every corner of our planet and every part of its ecosystems. They are there in every aspect of human life. There are some viruses that we carry with us our entire lives if infected, such as herpesviruses and HIV. And others have infected us, replicated, spread to other humans and been defeated by our immune systems within days or weeks. New viruses are discovered all the time.


The walls of the cell - key in the fight against many diseases

Viruses create small spaces of their own in cells membrane, where they secretly can do great harm.

Research projects

Johan Rasmuson lab
text is coming soon
Type of project Research group
Anne Tuiskunen Bäck lab
We investigate the occurrence and impact of viruses in human diseases, with a specific emphasis on sequencing viral genomes directly from patient...
Type of project Research group
Alicia Lind lab
The main research area in my group is the interplay between the immune system and metabolism in severe infections such as sepsis and COVID-19, whic...
Type of project Research group
Annasara Lenman lab
Our lab investigates viral mechanisms of infection and host susceptibility, focusing on respiratory and enteric viruses to identify novel therapeut...
Type of project Research group
Max Renner lab
The Max Renner lab is interested in the molecular and biochemical mechanisms underlying viral replication as well as the strategies viruses use to...
Type of project Research group
Virus infections as the cause of miscarriages and malformations: Tropism and Mechanisms
financed by the Swedish Research Council.
Type of project Research project
Duration 1 January 2023 until 31 December 2026
Olivia Wesula Lwande lab
Our research focuses on the virus-mosquito and mosquito-host interactions.
Type of project Research group
Upper airway virus - driver or passenger on the journey to chronic infection?
Upper airway virus - driver or passenger on the journey to chronic infection can we protect ourselves?
Type of project Research group
Clas Ahlm
We study disease mechanisms in two severe viral infections, hantavirus hemorrhagic fever and COVID-19, to understand disease mechanisms and be able...
Type of project Research group
Johan Trygg - Chemometrics Lab
Advanced data analytics in life science is becoming a core element in modern data driven life science research. Our research focus on data from...
Type of project Research group
Anders Johansson Lab
Anders Johansson's research group works with infection epidemiology - to track infection and understand how bacteria and viruses are spread.
Type of project Research group
Mikael Elofsson lab
The group develops antiviral and antibacterial compounds.
Type of project Research group
Johan Normark lab
Our research is about host immunological and metabolomic responses to acute infections and vaccination.
Type of project Research group
Joacim Rocklöv Lab
The group researches what drives the growth and spread of infectious diseases globally.
Type of project Research group
Åsa Gylfe Lab
We research about novel antibacterial strategies for treatment of Chlamydia.
Type of project Research group
Niklas Arnberg Lab
The overall purpose of our research is to identify molecules and mechanisms that viruses need to bind to and enter host cells. This is of importanc...
Type of project Forskargrupp
Ya-Fang Mei Lab
Our research group studies novel oncolytic adenovirus 11p vectors in the treatment of human solid tumors.
Type of project Research group
Dan Hultmark Lab
Drosophila cellular innate immunity, and mechanisms of persistent viral infections.
Type of project Research group
Josefsson prostate cancer group
The Josefsson lab is a multi-disciplinary bench-to-bedside research team in the Wallenberg Centre for Molecular Medicine, WCMM.
Type of project Forskargrupp
Immunity after infection or vaccination
Mattias Forsell
Type of project Research group
Anne-Marie Fors Connolly Lab
The group's research focuses on acute and long-term complications following infections, using whole-population data from Sweden.
Type of project Research group
Fredrik Elgh Lab
The group's research is about the herpes virus and its role in the development of Alzheimer's disease.
Type of project Research group
Anna Överby Wernstedt lab
The Överby lab is focusing on different aspects of tick-borne encephalitis virus from molecular virology and host pathogen interactions to...
Type of project Research group
Magnus Evander Lab
We study viruses that are transmitted from animals or mosquitoes. Also, we develop antiviral drugs.
Type of project Research group
Gisa Gerold Lab
Our group studies how viruses interact with host cells: We study host protein networks guiding virus infection and how we can block them
Type of project Research group
Richard Lundmark Lab
The research group studies membrane sculpting machineries.
Type of project Forskargrupp
Jürgen Schleucher Lab
We have a biophysical approach to study both proteins and nucleic acids and tree rings in relation to climate change.
Type of project Research group
Lars-Anders Carlson Lab
Our group studies structure and mechanism of viral replication complexes.
Type of project Research group