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Image: Mostphotos, Andrey Popov, Copyright (C) Andrey Popov

Research about COVID-19

Right now, COVID-19 research is a priority and urgent at Umeå University.

Research news COVID-19

Pokal som står på en vit yta
Trio of virus researchers receive award for utilisation

A clinician, a preclinician, and a biomedical analyst demonstrate successful COVID-19 research.

Kvinna vid bord känner med båda händerna på halsen
Long Covid Awareness Day – an occasion for sharing knowledge

Johan Normark tells about current knowledge on symptoms, causes, treatment, and prognosis of post-COVID.

Stiliserad bild av hjärta med frekvenskurva
Increased risk of heart rhythm disruption after COVID-19

Individuals infected with COVID-19 are also at an increased risk of suffering from heart rhythm disturbances.

Have we re-imagined nature-based tourism post COVID-19 pandemic?

Arctic Centre Funding – Read about Pamela Bachmann-Vargas and her fieldwork in Abisko.

More vaccine doses protect elderly against covid-19

Four to six vaccine doses protect the elderly against COVID-19, shows a study led by two researchers in Umeå.

Eris - new variant of covid-19 now in Sweden

The new covid variant is no worse than previous variants, but still wise with vaccines and testing.

Research about COVID-19

Anders Johansson Lab
Anders Johansson's research group works with infection epidemiology - to track infection and understand how bacteria and viruses are spread.
Type of project Research group
Anne-Marie Fors Connolly Lab
Puumala Orthohantavirus causes Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS), in Sweden known as “Sorkfeber”. The disease is characterized by low...
Type of project Research group
Clas Ahlm
We study disease mechanisms in two severe viral infections, hantavirus hemorrhagic fever and COVID-19, to understand disease mechanisms and be able...
Type of project Research group
Henrik Sjödin Lab
Researches on public health, global health and infectious epidemiology.
Type of project Research group
Impact of national Covid-19-related policies on loneliness among elderly receiving elderly care
When the Covid-19 pandemic emerged in Spring 2020, Sweden introduced policies targeting the elderly, including strict social distancing and a...
Type of project Research project
Duration 1 December 2020 until 30 June 2022
Joacim Rocklöv Lab
The group researches what drives the growth and spread of infectious diseases globally.
Type of project Research group
Johan Normark lab
Our research is about host immunological and metabolomic responses to acute infections and vaccination.
Type of project Research group
Josefsson prostate cancer group
The Josefsson lab is a multi-disciplinary bench-to-bedside research team in the Wallenberg Centre for Molecular Medicine, WCMM.
Type of project Forskargrupp
Prostate cancer therapy for COVID-19
The rapid spread and severity of Covid-19, and lack of effective drugs is a global medical emergency. Can a drug commonly used to treat prostate...
Type of project Research project
Duration 8 June 2020 until 31 May 2022
What are the implication of the COVID-19 pandemic for young people who are neither in employment, education nor training, and the societal initiatives that are in place to support them?
The situation of young people who are neither in employment, education nor training has been at the centre of political and societal debates during...
Type of project Research project
Duration 1 September 2021 until 31 December 2022