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Energy engineering

Energy technology concerns supply, storage, transformation, transport and use of energy, often related to resource efficiency, operational availability and environmental impact. It is a multidisciplinary field that includes, e.g. physics, chemistry, biology, electronics, environmental engineering and systems analysis. It is strongly linked to many of our global society’s greatest challenges, particularly as regards development and the transition towards renewable, and sustainable energy systems.

Doktorand vid Institutionen för tillämpad fysik och elektronik
New research shows how biofuels affect cement production

Doctoral thesis provides important knowledge to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in cement and lime production.

Improved process model can reduce limestone in cement production

Slag as a raw material provides more environmentally friendly cement – but how is the quality effected?

Reduced carbon dioxide emissions from lime kilns

By introducing biofuels instead of fossil fuels in lime kilns carbon dioxide emissions have decreased.

Research Groups

Anna Strandberg lab
The research is focusing on material characterization with X-ray tomography and other advanced techniques.
Applied Optics
Combustion diagnostics, exhaled breath gas analysis and chemical imaging.
The research environment Bio4Energy aims to create efficient and environmentally sound biorefinery processes
Energy Efficiency
The goal for this group is increasingly effective use of our limited resources required for sustainable development, both locally and globally.
Intelligent Human-Buildings Interaction Lab
Intelligent Human-Buildings Interactions lab (IHBI) at Department of Applied Physics and Electronics, Umeå University, aims to explore the...
Markus Broström lab
Inorganic products, materials and byproducts from industrial high temperature processes
Markus Carlborg lab
Material transformation in high temperature processes using materialography and structure identification.
Materials Engineering
Material development and characterization regarding composition and performance.
Nils Skoglund lab
Interaction of elements at high temperatures. Integrate resource recycling in a sustainable energy system.
Thermochemical Energy Conversion Laboratory (TEC-Lab)
The research area is within thermochemical energy conversion, mainly focusing on biomass but also on other solid and liquid fuels. The fundamental...
Research area: Energy engineering