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Educational sciences

Närbild på högskoleprovet och UHR's logotyp
The Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test - Umeå University´s assignment since its beginning

Umeå University has been tasked with designing and developing the Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test since 1977.

En hand håller ett antal högskoleprov.
How fair is the SweSAT (Högskoleprovet)?

Are certain groups favored or disadvantaged by the design of the SweSAT (Högskoleprovet)?

Computer support helps students with mathematical difficulties

Students who are stuck can get digital guidance – new form of feedback evaluated in dissertation.

AI as a Collaborative Partner in Music
Research area: Educational sciences
Duration 8 February 2024
Type of project Research project
The impact of place for aesthetics teachers in rural Arctic Sweden
Research area: Educational sciences
Duration 10 October 2023 until 10 October 2028
Type of project PhD project
Collaboration between municipality and university
Research area: Educational sciences
Duration 2 September 2022 until 1 September 2027
Type of project PhD project
Education Policy, and Youth Transitions
The profile includes research on education and training policy and politics as well as research on young people's careers in upper secondary school...
Research area: Educational sciences
Umeå Science Education Research (UmSER)
UMSER is a research environment with an open and collegial atmosphere, providing rich opportunities for collaboration and to give and receive...
Litum – Literacy research with an educational sciences orientation at Umeå University
Reading and writing takes place during a large part of people's waking hours in a variety of contexts and languages for different purposes. In rece...
Measurement in Behavioral Sciences
Measurement and assessment of knowledge, skills, abilities and attitudes, regularly take place in our society, and especially in relation to...
RECEUM conducts research on early childhood education and school-age educare.
Research area: Educational sciences
ARED - Applied Research on Education and Digitalisation
ARED has a a joint interest in the digitalisation of school, teacher education, and society
Educational Leadership
Research is carried out on governance, leadership and support in different types of educational organizations and on the effects of these activities.
History and education
The research group consists of researchers within educational history and history didactics.
Research area: Educational sciences, History
Umeå Research Centre for Social Studies Didactics (UmSOD)
The research group brings together didactic research in civics, geography, religious studies and history.
Research area: Educational sciences, History