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Chemical sciences

Chemistry studies the composition, structure and properties of matter. Matter is essentially everything that occupies space and has mass. Also, reactions between substances are studied. Chemistry is of central importance, not least because it serves as a bridge between other sciences such as physics, geology, biology, materials science, etc. Chemistry is a very comprehensive discipline that includes a large number of branches that are usually divided according to the type of matter they concern.

Václava Hazuková, cellting water samples from an Arctic lake.
Peering through the ice to uncover the secrets of Arctic lakes

Václava Hazuková, KBC-Kempe postdoc, researches carbon storage in Arctic lakes.

Gut bacteria can provide clues to curing diseases

André Mateus researches how drugs and the microbiome in the human gut work together.

Biogeochemical Analytical Facility (BAF)
The instrument facility for biogeochemical analyses at KBC and EMG
BioMolecular Characterization Umeå
BMCU is an interdisciplinary facility that provides state-of-the-art technology to characterize biomolecules.
Chemical Biology Consortium Sweden
CBCS Umeå node enables screening and development of bioactive small molecules in all areas of life science
Computational Analytics Support Platform (CASP)
We aim to support researchers understand complex biological systems via the use of data-driven modelling tools
Gas Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (IRMS)
Analysis of gaseous products and their stable isotopologues in various samples both in gas and liquid phases
Research area: Chemical sciences
Marine analyses
Chemical and biological analyzes of marine samples, to support research and environmental monitoring.
Five different spectrometers (360-850 MHz) and provides support for a variety of scientific questions.
Protein Expertise Platform (PEP)
PEP offers services and expert advice in bioinformatics, cloning, growth optimisation and protein purification
The Mesocosm facility
Conduct large scale water and sediment experiments under highly controlled conditions.
Trace Analysis Platform (TAP)
Trace analysis of small molecules in complex matrices, such as environmental and biological samples.
Vibrational Spectroscopy
An open-access infrastructure, providing Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) and Raman spectroscopy and m.
Research area: Chemical sciences
XPS Platform provides surface analysis by X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) technique
Research area: Chemical sciences
Gruppledarna står uppradade på en trappa och blir fotograferade
SciLifeLab site Umeå celebrates 16 new Group Leaders

SciLifeLab site Umeå celebrates 16 new Group Leaders with cake and a get-together.

Open up for Innovation 2025
100 Life Science experts gather to connect science and industry in Umeå

The conference aims to promote collaboration between academia and industry and drive innovation.

Conference boosts the international microbial research network

UCMR Day is an opportunity to increase international visibility by inviting talented keynote speakers.

Proteome-wide functional interrogation and modulation of gut microbiome species (ProFITGut)
Duration 1 May 2023 until 30 April 2028
Type of project Research project
Metabolism of carbohydrates by human gut microbiome species
Duration 1 January 2023 until 31 December 2026
Type of project Research project
High-speed mid-infrared photothermal imaging of fatty acids and lipid droplets in living cells
Duration 1 January 2023 until 31 December 2026
Type of project Research project
Andre Mateus lab
Understanding how proteins function and interact in the species of the human gut microbiome.
Andy Ohlin lab
In our lab we focus on the development of novel inorganic materials for the modern society.
Anna Linusson Lab
The group studies new molecules with pharmaceutical relevance for sleeping sickness, malaria and dengue.
The research environment Bio4Energy aims to create efficient and environmentally sound biorefinery processes
Carlos Martín lab
Biorefining of lignocellulosic biomass, upgrading residual bioresources to biofuels and biomaterials.
Christian Hedberg Lab
We develop of chemical tools to dissect infection mechanisms at molecular level.
Christiane Funk lab
Plant proteases and the potential of Nordic microalgae for wastewater reclamation and biomass generation.
Danielson/Backman Laboratory
Lab of Professor Patrik Danielson and Associate Professor Ludvig Backman and co-workers.
EcoChange Umeå
EcoChange is a strategic research programme that is hosted by Umeå University.
Elisabeth Sauer-Eriksson Lab
We design and identify substances that can inhibit bacterial virulence and dismantle their action.
Erik Björn lab
We study chemical and biological processes of trace metals, from molecular to ecosystem scale.
Erik Chorell lab
Disrupting and studying complex biological processes to investigate their therapeutic potential.
Research area: Cancer, Chemical sciences
Fredrik Almqvist Lab
Method development and synthesis of molecules used for treatment of infectious and neurodegenerative diseases.
Gerhard Gröbner Lab
NMR methods to understand the function of biological membranes, their proteins and role in various diseases.
Henrik Antti Lab
Chemometric bioinformatics for studies of (cancer) diseases.
Research area: Cancer, Chemical sciences