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Published: 2023-06-22

What’s up Niklas Arnberg?

NEWS What have we learnt from the COVID-19 pandemic? How do we increase preparedness for the next pandemic? How do we get out vital information before and during a pandemic? Niklas Arnberg UCMR PI and Professor in Virology at Umeå University, is heading for Almedalveckan in Visby on Gotland to moderate discussions organised by Pandemifonden.

Text: Ingrid Söderbergh

Me and Emma Frans, a well-known science communicator in Sweden, will work together as moderators

From 27 June to 1 July actors in the public, private and non-profit sectors, as well as political representatives and the media, gather to discuss and discuss important social issues in Visby's narrow streets. Niklas Arnberg together with Pandemifonden are organising their own event on Friday 30 June.

How does it feel?

“It feels fun and inspiring! The team behind Virus- and Pandemifonden has been working on a report for several months, so it will be exciting to publish and discuss it with relevant actors.”

“I hope that the report and the conclusions we draw will be used, so that we strengthen preparedness against pandemics and that we researchers can become better at providing new knowledge and new tools that help the healthcare system to detect, understand, treat and prevent viral diseases and all sequelae.”

What is Pandemifonden and what role do you have there?

“Panemifonden is an activity of the non-profit association the Swedish Society for Virology. The society has approximately 300 research members. I have just taken over as general secretary on a part-time basis, and my task is to develop the business, which also involves sharing knowledge about viral diseases and sequelae, which contributes to knowledge-based decision-making in the field.”

What are you going to talk about?

“Me and Emma Frans, a well-known science communicator in Sweden, will work together as moderators, where we discuss with the panellists a variety of issues, focusing on society's experiences from the pandemic and what we learned from this, but also how we researchers can become even better at helping authorities, healthcare and other sectors of society.”

Why participating at Almedalsveckan?

“It is an excellent place to share knowledge and to network. Almedalen is a gathering place for actors from all the sectors affected by viral diseases and pandemics: Healthcare, industry, researchers, culture, sports, school, and not least politicians who are responsible for things working as well as possible in a pandemic, but even between pandemics when you have the opportunity to work proactively.”

What else will you experience in Gotland?

“Unfortunately, I do not have much time for touristing. I will be there Tuesday through Friday, and in addition to our own event, I will be participating in various panel and roundtable discussions, focusing on the use of vaccines against viral diseases.

Read more about Umeå University at Almedalen 2023 (In Swedish)

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