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Published: 2020-06-08

USBE Pedagogical Prize 2020

NEWS Professor Giovanni Forchini, Department of Economics, is awarded the USBE Pedagogical Prize of 2020. He has developed the pedagogy on the introductory course of the Master's Program in Economics.

Giovanni is recognized for his course development on the introductory courses of the Master's Program in Economics, where he introduced the so-called "flipped classroom" methodology during the program's first course.

The course deals with mathematical methods used in economics and gives the students an important basis for upcoming courses in the program. Previously, the method course in question was characterized by more traditional pedagogy, but Giovanni recorded videos and used the time in class to solve problems together with the students.

This type of arrangement is relatively unexplored in economics at the advanced level, but Giovanni has shown great openness to new ways of working, always with students in focus. The outcome was positive, and as knowledge from this course is important for the students' continuing studies in the Master's Program in Economics, this is something that has benefited the students not only at the beginning of the autumn semester, but also in subsequent courses.

Professor Giovanni Forchini.