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Published: 2022-05-23

USBE Alumni event in Stockholm

NEWS 10th of May we were able to once again arrange our yearly alumni meeting in Stockholm. This time we gathered under the theme "Change Management".

Alumni Katarina Önell (1989) at Kantar-Sifo partnered up to host the event in central Stockholm with close to 40 alumni who met in the afternoon and where the majority also stayed for After Work in the same premises.

Sofia Lundberg gave updates from the USBE perspective and Robert Kihlberg and Siarhei Manzhynski gave online presentations from their dissertations.

Main speaker of the event was Jörgen Bergqvist, alumni from 2002 with broad experience from a number of different managerial and CEO roles at Swedish / Nordic level (Carlsberg, LEGO, Brio, Delicato and most recently Insula Seafood) gave reflections from his horizon.

Working with change work is a roller coaster according to Jörgen and always contains unexpected setbacks but also provides stimulus and is an area he has actively looked for during his career. In addition he also spoke about purpose/"WHY" were Jörgen himself had come to the conclusion that he wanted to contribute to a more sustainable world and in his case more specifically how we can change the food system for this purpose, in the future with a focus as an investor and the added value he can contribute through his own experiences.

Katarina Önell, Client Director at Kantar-Sifo also spoke about how Kantar-Sifo conducts measurements both broadly and with the same customers over time linked to, among other things, change work.

We were able to exceed the alumni’s expectations a bit on both content (3,6/5) and social aspects 3,7/5 according to evaluation (3=expectations met)

A participant comment: “Good mix of lecturers and super with a review of what is happening for USBE!“