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Published: 2007-11-21

Umeå University hosts international potluck evening

NEWS Umeå University and the International Office are arranging an International Evening at the Universum Building on Thursday 22 November for international and Swedish students, guest researchers, teachers – basically anyone who wishes to attend.

The sole requirement to participate is that all who come should take with them a type of cuisine from their homeland to place on the international potluck buffet table. It should be something that can be eaten cold and can be served in small bite-size pieces. The participants should also write down an interesting factoid about their home country on a piece of paper (in English) and take it to the event. It should hopefully be something surprising or fun. It should preferably be something that an outsider wouldn't know or expect.

“Our hope is that everyone join in and share their culture with the rest of us whilst learning about other parts of the world as well,” said Jenny Eriksson, International Coordinator at the International Office, Umeå University. “The international students will be entertained by Swedish folk dance during the evening. There will also be by a film presentation about Slovenia as well as presentations from partakers from Brazil, Ireland, England and a Basque.”

When: Thursday 22 November
Time: 4:00 – 8:00 pm
Where: Rotunda in the Universum Building.
What: International Mingle with a potluck snack table and some cultural talks and performances.
Who: Anyone who wants to share their own and others cultures – international and Swedish students, researchers and others.

”This is the first time that we have organised this type of evening,” said Jenny Eriksson. “We have no idea how many will attend. How the evening will come about depends completely on those whose are there, but if everyone does their part we believe it will be really enjoyable.”

Members of the media are welcome to attend!

Contact person: Jenny Eriksson, International Coordinator Phone: +46 (0)90-786 71 81
E-mail: jenny.eriksson@adm.umu.se

Editor: Carina Dahlberg