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Published: 2015-10-12

Umeå ranked 7th in Sweden, top 200 globally in several subject areas

NEWS In the recently released 2016 US News & World Report’s Global University Rankings, Umeå University placed seventh in Sweden and 144th in Europe. The university received strong marks in the number of highly cited papers.

This is the second annual global rankings list published by the US News and World Report media company. Umeå University again placed seventh of higher education institutions in Sweden, just ahead of Chalmers University of Technology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and Linköping University. The top three in the nation are Karolinska Institute, Lund University and Uppsala University.

Umeå University's is ranked 144th among European universities and its position among the world's top universities is 329th. The top three in the global ranking are all American institutions: Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the University of California, Berkeley.

A total of 750 schools in 57 countries made the US News Best Global Universities list, up from the top 500 universities in 49 countries ranked last year. They were ranked based on 12 indicators that measure their academic research performance and their global and regional reputations.

A significant weight of the ranking indicators - 65 per cent – is related to various bibliometric data measures, and Umeå University placed best within the indicators that are clearly quality-related, i.e. the proportion of highly cited articles (232nd) and normalized citation impact (249th). A total of 25% is weighted due to the university's global and regional research reputation (173rd). The remainder is linked to the number of doctoral degrees awarded.

US News also ranked the best 150-250 universities in the world in a number of subject areas. Umeå University is listed in five of these subjects, with its highest placement in Plant and Animal Science (72nd), followed by Social Sciences and Public Health (111th), Environment/Ecology (117th), Clinical Medicine (196th), and Biology and Biochemistry (204th).

More information:

US News: Best Global Universities RankingsUS News: Best Global Universities in SwedenUS News: 2016 Umeå University Profile

Editor: David Meyers