Two Nordic foundations support Cryo-EM network in a Nobel Prize–winning technology
CryoNet, a new partnership within cryo-Electron Microscopy will bring together scientists at four Universities in Sweden and Danmark. At Umeå University, it will be researchers connected to the cryo-EM facility at KBC, who participate in the network funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation and the Novo Nordisk Foundation.
Jacques Dubochet, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry 2017, visited the cryo-EM Facility at UCEM on 13 December 2017, together UCEM-Director Linda Sandblad and Lars-Anders Carlson, researcher at WCMM.
In a press release published today, the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation declares to join forces with the Novo Nordisk Foundation in funding CryoNet in Sweden and Danmark with 1 million € over four years.
The cryo-EM facility at KBC is part of this collaboration as the second part of the national facility at SciLifeLab.