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Published: 2016-11-23

The Swedish Tax Agency took part of new FairTax research

NEWS At a workshop on November 10, 2016, FairTax researcher Lotta Björklund Larsen, Linköping University, presented the upcoming report "Sweden: A failure of a Cooperative Compliance project?".

Participating at the workshop were representatives from the Swedish Tax Agency's strategy group for cooperative compliance projects with large corporations. The workshop was followed by a presentation for the managers of the Agency's department for large corporations on November 22.
“The report studies the work of the strategy group for cooperative compliance projects with large corporations. At the workshop, we had a very interesting discussion regarding the role of the Swedish Tax Agency in a changing economy, and how the authority should react to societal change” says Lotta Björklund Larsen.

The report will be published in the FairTax working paper series, and Lotta Björklund Larsen will also present it to representatives from the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise.

Editor: Elin Andersson