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Published: 2017-11-10

The Swedish Bioinformatics Advisory Program 2017

NEWS For the third time the SciLifeLab the National Bioinformatics platform offers within the Bioinformatics Advisory Programme new mentorship possibilities for PhD students

The SciLifeLab bioinformatics platform (NBIS) offers a track where PhD students from any Swedish institute can get asenior bioinformatician as a personal advisor for up to two years of their PhDstudies.High-throughput technologies are transforming< the demands on scientists in genomicsand other medical and biological research fields. As many research groups are in need of large-scale data analyses, we see a need to complement the traditional role of the supervisors with bioinformaticsconsulting directed towards PhD students.The program is free of charge.Program outline:

  • One start-up meeting, where the advisor visits the research group.
  • One mandatory meeting per month,where the PhD student, supervisor and advisor meet in person or over video.
  • Two grand meetings (1-2 days) per year for all PhD students, supervisors and advisors in the program.

Period: 2018-2019

Application deadline: Dec 12, 2017

Information and Application: www.scilifelab.se

Editor: Eva-Maria Diehl