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Published: 2024-05-06

The science of climate change will be explored through art

NEWS The Arctic Centre is thrilled to announce that the project "Embodied Stories / Possible Climate Futures" has received funding from Formas. This interdisciplinary initiative uniquely combines climate science with interactive art to communicate the urgent realities of climate change to the public.

Text: Simon Oja

Developed in collaboration between renowned Swedish artists Bigert & Bergström and Keith Larson at the Climate Impacts Research Centre, Umeå University, the project leverages both scientific research and artistic expression to explore and communicate the effects of climate change in the Arctic and beyond.

We believe that by making climate data understandable and immersive, we can foster a deeper and more visceral response to the climate challenges we face

“Our goal is to transform scientific data into embodied experiences that move, challenge, and inspire people. We believe that by making climate data understandable and immersive, we can foster a deeper and more visceral response to the climate challenges we face”, says Keith Larson, Director of the Arctic Centre and researcher at the Climate Impacts Research Centre.

The "Embodied Stories / Possible Climate Futures" project promises to engage a diverse audience through a touring art installation featuring interactive Canopy Swings that translate scientific data from Arctic permafrost research into tangible sensory experiences. This installation will tour locations including university campuses, botanical gardens, and art museums across Sweden, aiming to foster a wider public engagement with climate science.

The installation will also include a digital platform where visitors can interact with the data influencing the installation, enhancing educational outreach, and promoting a deeper personal connection with the global climate crisis.

“With this project, we're not just disseminating information; we're inviting the public to experience the potential realities of climate futures through a blend of art and science. It's about creating a space for meaningful interaction with the science that will define our collective future”, says Mats Bigert, artist, and leader for the project.

"Embodied Stories / Possible Climate Futures" not only aims to increase awareness and understanding of climate change but also seeks to stimulate discussions on sustainable futures in the face of environmental challenges. By situating this dialogue within accessible and engaging formats, the project underscores the importance of interdisciplinary approaches to communicating and solving environmental issues.

Facts about the project

Project title: Embodied Stories / Possible Climate Futures

Project duration: Maj 2024 – April 2026

Budget: 1,999,229 SEK

Funder: Formas

For more information about the project, contact:
Keith Larson, Director at the Arctic Centre
073 04 65 016