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Published: 2024-05-22 Updated: 2024-06-11, 08:17

The Arctic: A crucial frontier for security

NEWS As global security dynamics shift, the Arctic has emerged as a critical area for strategic cooperation and development. At Pax Nordica 2024, experts discussed the region's growing importance in ensuring both regional and global stability.

Text: Simon Oja

This year’s Pax Nordica conference presented an interesting roster of speakers, all with their relevant perspectives. Louise Calais, Sweden’s Arctic Ambassador, Sarah Väre, Growth Manager at Kvarken Council, Janet Ågren, municipal commissioner in Umeå and Håkan Edström, docent at the Swedish Defence University. All of them highlighted the Arctic's significance, emphasising that Russia's presence and potential threat necessitate enhanced security measures.

“The Arctic's strategic importance is increasingly evident, particularly given Russia's extensive Arctic coastline. This highlights the need for enhanced security measures and infrastructure,” says Niklas Eklund, professor of Political sciences at Umeå University.

Arctic security and infrastructure development

While not a primary conflict zone, the Arctic is a potential arena for geopolitical tensions. This underscores the need for robust infrastructure, particularly in the east-west direction, which supports both civil supply chains and military operations. Projects like the proposed "Nordic Connector" across the Kvarken strait are essential for improving connectivity and readiness.

Investing in Arctic infrastructure, such as improving east-west connections and robust civil supply chains, is essential not only for preparing for potential conflicts but also for promoting sustainable economic growth in the region

“The partnership between Sweden and Finland is crucial in this unique environment, allowing us to better address collective security needs and uphold our shared democratic values,” says Niklas Eklund and continues. “Investing in Arctic infrastructure, such as improving east-west connections and robust civil supply chains, is essential not only for preparing for potential conflicts but also for promoting sustainable economic growth in the region”.

Sweden and Finland: Partners in security

NATO membership is accelerating development in northern Sweden, enhancing the region's strategic importance. Close cooperation between Sweden and Finland remains vital, as both countries work together to safeguard democracy and security. Their partnership, bolstered by shared economic and political interests, is crucial for addressing the challenges posed by modern hybrid warfare and ensuring rapid mobilisation of support in crises.

Total defence and future prospects

Another key focus was the practical functioning of total defence, integrating civil and military components. Understanding this interplay is essential for effective defence planning. As global dialogue diminishes and readiness for conflict rises, the Swedish-Finnish partnership serves as a model for maintaining security while promoting economic growth and sustainable development in the Arctic region.


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