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Published: 2007-05-08

Sun and Fun at Umevatoriet Observatory

NEWS Celebrate the arrival of the sun on May 12th and 13th with a sun festival at Umevatoriet, Umeå University’s very own observatory. Amusing activities will be available for both children and adults.

During the sun festival visitors will have the opportunity to learn new things about our closest star. For example, did you know the sun has a radius that is 109 times larger than the earth’s? As a comparison one can say if the sun is the size of an orange, then the earth is the size of a pin. Visitors will also have the chance to observe the sun with a solar telescope, see NASA’s new solar images with 3D glasses, take part in space odyssey in the planetarium, weigh themselves on a sun scale, listen to a story about the northern lights (aurora borealis), and go on a quiz walk about the sun.

In addition, a lecture will be presented at 2:00 pm during both days. On Saturday, ecologist Bent Christensen will speak about the life of the sun and on Sunday, idea historian Bosse Sundin – under the headline - sunbather and sun worshipper -will discuss the history of sun tanning.

Admission is free and attendees will be served sunshine- and sunflower biscuits.

Time: May 12 & 13, 12:00 – 4:00 PM
Place: Umevatoriet, Umeå Business Park (Umestans företagspark)

Map and further information available at: www.teknat.umu.se/umevatoriet/index_eng.html

For general inquiries, contact: Gabriella Stenberg, Space Physicist and Project Manager of UmevatorietPhone: 070-289 64 97
E-mail: gabriella.stenberg@space.umu.se

Editor: Karin Wikman