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Published: 2024-06-20

Student ambassadors for exchange studies wanted

NEWS The International Office is looking for members for its student ambassador team. You who are a student at Umeå University and want to share your experiences of studying or practicing abroad are welcome to send in an application.

Your mission as an ambassador via the International Office will be to inform, inspire and encourage students at Umeå University to go on exchange studies and internships abroad. We want more people to know about the possibilities of going on exchange studies or doing an internship abroad by sharing your experiences from your exchange or internship.

- In your work as a student ambassador, you take part in activities where you inform the university's students about exchange studies and internships abroad, for example at fairs, information meetings, webinars and other events. We also encourage you as an ambassador to come up with your own ideas on how we can increase interest in exchange studies or internships abroad, says Gwen King, international coordinator at the International Office.

To some extent, the work may also mean that you are involved in activities for international students who are interested in studying at Umeå University, or who are already studying here.

Attend a semester or two

We are looking for you who are students during the academic year 2024/2025 and who have been on exchange via one of Umeå University's agreements or on an Erasmus internship. You can participate in the team for one or two semesters, but we prioritize students who can participate the entire academic year. For example, if you can only join during the spring semester 2025, we still want you to apply now. The goal is for the ambassador team to consist of 5-6 students.

You are offered a short training session before the work as an ambassador begins.

This is how you apply

You apply by sending us a letter of motivation where you tell us where you went on exchange studies or did an internship, why you are the right person for the assignment and preferably a little bit about your own experience of studying or doing an internship abroad.

Send your application to outgoing.io@umu.se no later than 19 August, 2024.