"Stakes" Replacing "Rights" - New Pathways for Indigenous Peoples in Development Cooperation?
We hereby invite you and your organization to this year's conference hosted by the Forum for Development Cooperation with Indigenous Peoples.
The Forum-conference 2011 raises a question on whether there are two competing trends in international cooperation that may affect indigenous peoples. Many put great expectations into the long process leading to the UN Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) approved in 2007. This represents a rights-based approach with Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) as a key phrase in several articles of the declaration.
Actors in international development cooperation has in an equally long an parallel process worked towards more efficient, reliable and high quality ways to manage development aid and other instruments of development cooperation. Efforts to reduce deforestation and to combat climate change, as well as using the private sector as development agents, are new arenas for development cooperation attracting large amounts of funds.
The rights-regime of this process is anchored in the general obligations to respect human rights as implemented in separate (beneficiary) countries. The most explicit position of indigenous peoples in this process seems to be that of stakeholders.