Seminar for international students on finding work in Sweden after studies
Meet with and listen to Rodrigo Garay from Working for Change and Katarina Önell from TNS Sifo, who will talk about career possibilities in Sweden for international academics on Monday 14 May in Lindell Hall.
In December 2012, a national conference and recruitment fair titled “Working for Change” will be held in Stockholm. It aims to seek, attract and recruit international academics in and to Sweden.
Furthermore, the conference is aiming to be a platform for discussion on how Swedish companies can manage the demographic challenges and the opportunities entailed by increased migration and cultural diversity
Sweden and Europe are facing tremendous demographic challenges. In Sweden alone, thirty per cent of those working today will be pensioners in 2015 and will need to be replaced in the job market. In addition, Sweden’s population after 2030 will only expand through greater immigration. The biggest challenge for Sweden is not "just" to create new jobs, but finding qualified workers who can fill the gap that will arise in the future..
Rodrigo Garay from Working for Change and Katarina Önell from TNS Sifo will be visiting Umeå University on 14 May to discuss these issues. The seminar is primarily intended for international students, but all students and employees are welcome to attend and participate. The seminar is arranged in partnership with Student Services.
Date and Time: Monday 14 May at 12.15-13.30 Place: Lecture Hall B (Hörsal B), Lindell Hall, Social Sciences Building