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Published: 2025-01-17 Updated: 2025-01-21, 09:14

Search with AI in the library search tool

NEWS You can now search with AI when using the library search tool. This can be a good way for you to get started with your search on a scientific topic.

The AI-assisted search, powered by general artificial intelligence, allows you to explore academic content in the library by allowing you to formulate direct questions instead of having to formulate them as search queries with Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT). In response to your query, the tool finds 30 sources, selects the five most relevant ones and summarises the results in a short text. The text includes references where you can clearly see which source was used to generate each part of the answer. The summary also provides links to the references.

– Our AI-assisted search function only searches for scientific content from scientific articles, books, etcetera; and not like other well-known AI services such as ChatGPT that build their content on the open internet, says Lars Iselid, librarian at Umeå University Library.

– The AI-assisted search does not replace the regular search service, but complements it by summarising important articles in a scientific field through a short summary with source references. It can be a good start when you want to explore a particular subject area.

– However, it is a completely new service with its shortcomings, but which is constantly being improved, says Lars Iselid.

The AI-assisted search can be found under the "Search with AI" tab in the library search tool or via the link below. There, you will also find more information on how to use the AI-assisted search.

Search with AI