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Published: 2017-03-30

RiseB:s Maxim Vlasov took part in the project Mötesplats Stöcke

NEWS On Tuesday, RiseB took part in an ongoing project “Mettingplace Stöcke”, where PhD candidate Maxim Vlasov presented recent research and practical examples of social entrepreneurship for sustainable local development.

“Meetingplace Stöcke” is a local development initiative in Stöcke, located just south of Umeå, that aims to develop a social meeting place for different activities such as courses, cultural events, a local restaurant and sports, co-created by local residents in collaboration with other actors.

The process is supported by Infoga, a group of architects from Umeå Schools of Architecture, and the ambition is to develop a holistic plan that considers ecological, social and economic dimensions of the future meeting place.