RiseB thesis prize 2016 to Anna Zhan and Josefin Halvarsson at Stockholm School of Economics
The thesis prize in Business Administration and Sustainability which is awarded by the Research Institute for Sustainability and Ethics in Business (RiseB.se) at Umeå University and Umeå Energi 2016, goes to Anna Zhan and Josefin Halvarsson for the bachelor thesis Corporate Social Responsibility and the Cost of Capital: Is CSR priced in the Swedish capital market? The prize of SEK 25 000 is awarded at the graduation ceremony at Umeå School of Business and Economics, 3rd of June.
The thesis prize in Business Administration and Sustainability which is awarded by the Research Institute for Sustainability and Ethics in Business (RiseB.se) at Umeå University and Umeå Energi 2016, goes to Anna Zhan and Josefin Halvarsson for the bachelor thesis Corporate Social Responsibility and the Cost of Capital: Is CSR priced in the Swedish capital market? The prize of SEK 25 000 is awarded at the graduation ceremony at Umeå School of Business and Economics, 3rd of June.
Prize motivation In the winning thesis by Zhan och Halvarsson, the debated issue of sustainability initiatives and company capital costs is studied. In the thesis it is shown that more investments in sustainability give companies discounted financing of their capital costs which is of essence for future financing and investment decisions. The thesis is well written and excellently carried out methodologically with a high potential to influence more companies to invest in environmental initiatives for both moral and financial reasons.
The authors have written the winning thesis at the Department of Accounting at Stockholm School of Economics and their supervisor was Florian Eugster. The thesis can be found here.
One thesis receives an honorable mention in 2016 (for theses written in 2015). This goes to Ellen Herrmann and Malin Lindholm for the thesis Mot en hållbar livsmedelskonsumtion? En kvalitativ studie om konsumentens attityd till att köpa ekologiska livsmedel. This thesis was authored at Umeå School of Business and Economics, Department of Business Administration, and was supervised by Jan Bodin. The thesis can be found here.
“This is the first time a bachelor thesis wins the RiseB thesis prize, the first time it goes to a quantitative thesis, and the first time it goes to a thesis in finance. Thus it is more exciting than usual this year. The jury thinks it is important that sustainability and business ethics issues are analyzed from alla sub disciplines in business administration and by using all kinds of methods. Hopefully this will lead to that more business students will realize the importance of these issues”, says Johan Jansson at RiseB and head of the prize jury.
In total nine theses written in 2015 were nominated for the prize in 2016. Umeå Energi sponsors the prize money of SEK 25 000 and they also wish to encourage the university business educations in Sweden to focus more on sustainability issues.
The jury for the RiseB thesis prize in 2016 consisted of: Associate Professor Johan Jansson, RiseB, Umeå School of Business and Economics, Professor Lars Hassel, RiseB, Umeå School of Business and Economics, Professor Peter Dobers, Södertörn university, HR-manager Mari-Louise Johansson, Umeå Energi, and, Head of operations Marianne Bogle, CSR Sweden.
The prize of SEK 25 000 is awarded at the graduation ceremony at Umeå School of Business and Economics, 3rd of June and nominations for the prize next year opens in September at www.riseb.se.