Research schools in the infection area – grand slam to Umeå
The Swedish Research Council is awarding Umeå University 16 million sek to two national research schools that will contribute to strengthening research competence in Sweden in the field of infection.
From left: Louise Lindbäck, project coordinator, Annasara Lenman, the National Doctoral Programme in Infections and Antimicrobials, NDPIA. Fredrik Almqvist, Director of Umeå Centre for Microbial Research, UCMR, and Marta Bally, Nationella forskarskolan i virusinfektioner och pandemier, NDP-VIP.
ImageAnna Shevtsova
it is fantastic that Umeå is getting both schools
“It feels wonderful! Antimicrobial resistance is one of our biggest societal problems and we now have a unique opportunity to address a complex issue from a broad perspective,” says Annasara Lenman, associate professor lecturer at the Department of Clinical Microbiology at Umeå University. She coordinated the application for the National Doctoral Programme in Infections and Antimicrobials, NDPIA.
This research school, which will now receive eight million over four years, builds on Umeå University's long tradition of working with this type of research school. Over 700 doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows have participated in the National Doctoral Programme in Infections and Antibiotics, NDPIA, which was run during the period 2014-2024.
The second research school that will receive the same amount of funding focuses on viruses and pandemics.
“There has been a long-standing desire from the research community to offer virus-specific education nationally. I am pleased that this school can contribute to meet this,” says Marta Bally, associate professor at the Department of Clinical Microbiology at Umeå University. She coordinated the application for the National Research School in Viral Infections and Pandemics, NDP-VIP.
Close collaboration between schools
The research schools have two different focuses within infection research – antimicrobial resistance then viruses and pandemics, but will still have close collaboration. Overall, they have the same foundation to build on and the same goals in mind. This means that many synergies will be possible and will result in a broad and effective course programme.
Together, the two schools will form an inspiring educational environment where doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows from all over Sweden are offered advanced courses. An important part of the education will be practical workshops in the latest research methods and techniques.
To promote collaboration and expand the participants' networks, national meetings and conferences are arranged where participants can present their research and exchange ideas with others in the field.
Several universities involved
The research schools are run in collaboration with leading universities in Sweden. Through the collaboration, the schools connect research environments that study all aspects of infection biology, from molecular mechanisms to new methods for diagnostics, vaccine development, clinical studies and societal perspectives.
“An interdisciplinary and One Health perspective is crucial for understanding complex problems such as antimicrobial resistance and the emergence of pandemics and for finding new and innovative solutions,” says Annasara Lenman.
Umeå strong player
Umeå University has invested a lot in infection research in recent years and the field has been one of the priority research areas at the university since 2024 through the Mastering Microbial Infections programme.
There is a very active community in microbial research within the Umeå Centre of Microbial research, UCMR, which is further strengthened by programmes such as the Wallenberg Centre for Molecular Medicine, WCMM, Data Driven Life Science, DDLS, and Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden, MIMS, which recruit young promising researchers. The schools fit perfectly into this environment.
UCMR is hosting the new research schools. However, the courses will be held all over Sweden.
“Umeå University is a strong national player in infection research and it is fantastic that Umeå is getting both schools! This means that we can continue to educate a new generation of researchers who can contribute to Sweden being better prepared for future pandemics and infection threats, says Fredrik Almqvist, professor at the Department of Chemistry at Umeå University and director of UCMR.