Monday 22 May
18.00: "Social Simulation" with Maarten Jensen
18.30: "The viral presentation" with Kasturika Shankar
19.00: "Moral philosophy of procreation" with Kalle Grill
19.30: Mingle and network
Tuesday 23 May
18.00: "Global inside: advanced producer service companies, regions, and globalization" with Maria Podkorytova
18.30: "Genetically Modified Plant Foods" with Stefan Jansson
19.00: "The Openness of the Future" with Nils Franzen
Wednesday 24 May
18.00: "From A to Z and Everything in Between: the wacky and wonderful world of DNA structures” with Pallabi Sengupta
18.30: Activity
18.45: "Searching for life on Mars using Raman spectroscopy" with Lucas Demaret
19.15: Activity
19.30: "How I ended up in a newspaper for destroying museum samples. The story of a tree necromancer” with Francisco Gil Muñoz