On Friday 29 September, during Umeå Pride 2017, Umeå University will raise the Pride flag. The aim is to raise awareness of LGBT rights but also strike a blow for equal opportunities and gender equality from a wider perspective.
Heidi Hansson, Deputy Vice-Chancellor with responsibility for education and equal opportunities at Umeå University, shares that Umeå University in various ways tend to pay attention to Umeå Pride. However, joining in on Pride festivals can often seem like stunts, and as if the issues are left to lie dormant for the rest of the years. This is something Umeå University is trying to change.
“It’s important to us as a university to pay attention to equal rights for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and queer (LGBT) population. Through our equal opportunities organisation, with coordinators, administrators and representatives, supporting heads of department and managers, we are keeping our equal opportunities and gender equality work active throughout the year,” says Heidi Hansson.
The University Library is also turning their attention to LGBT issues by displaying examples of their collection in the exhibition “Pride at the Library” between 26 September and 8 October. This for instance includes dissertations on the theme of LGBT issues.