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Published: 2016-04-07

Professor of Computing Science receives honorary fellowship

NEWS Bo Kågström, senior professor of Computing Science at Umeå University has been appointed Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Fellow of 2016. He is being honoured for contributions to the understanding of matrix pencils and for leadership within the European high performance computing community.

”I am of course both happy and proud to be appointed as SIAM Fellow 2016, especially since the award gives recognition of your work and career in the worldwide SIAM Community. At the same time I want to emphasize that the award is a result of a very fruitful teamwork with current and former members of our research group – thanks to all of you!” says Bo Kågström and continues “Our contributions to parallel, high performance and scientific computing, includes theory, algorithms and software tools for dense and structured matrix computations with a broad spectrum of applications in science and engineering.”

Recently, Umeå University, as coordinator, together with three international partners have been funded with nearly 4 Million Euro by Horizon 2020 for a front-line research project focusing on novel methods and software for the future supercomputer systems.

The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, SIAM, designates fellows  each year to recognise recognise members of the community for their distinguished contributions to the disciplines of applied mathematics, computational science and related fields. The Fellows Selection Committee selects fellows based on nominations by SIAM members.

Bo Kågström is professor of Numerical Analysis and Parallel Computing and Director of High Performance Computing Center North (HPC2N) at Umeå University. Kågström has 25 publications in SIAM books and journals. He was a corresponding editor of the SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, was awarded the SIAM/SIAG Linear Algebra Prize in 2000, and has served on multiple SIAM prize committees, among other involvements.

Together with the other SIAM Fellows of 2016 he will be honoured at the 12 July SIAM Business Meeting during the SIAM Annual Meeting, which takes place on 11–15 July 2016 in Boston, MA, United States.

“Notably, Umeå University and the Department of Computing Science will also be highlighted at this conference on the occasion of my former graduate student Dr Andrii Dmytryshyn receiving the SIAM Student Paper Prize 2015”, concludes Bo Kågström.

More about the SIAM Fellows

For more information, please contact:

Bo Kågström, senior professor, Department of Computing Science, Umeå UniversityPhone: +46907865419, +46736205419
Email: bo.kagstrom@umu.se

Editor: Anna-Lena Lindskog