Presented new research on tax and equality to the European parliament
On May 30, Åsa Gunnarson, professor in tax law at Forum for Studies on Law and Society, presented the new study “Gender equality and taxation in the European Union” to the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM) in the European parliament.
Åsa Gunnarsson has produced the study together with Ulrike Spangenberg, Studies on Law and Society, and Margit Schratzenstaller from the Austrian research institute WIFO. All researchers are active in the FairTax project, that is coordinated by Åsa Gunnarsson. In the study “Gender equality and taxation in the European Union” the FairTax researchers provide an overview over gender aspects in taxation at Member State and EU level. They point out the lack of knowledge regarding gendered-differentiated and allocative effects of net wealth taxes, property taxes, consumption taxes and corporate taxes. To solve this problem the availability of appropriate gender-disaggregated data has to be ensured. Finally, the study presents recommendations on how to improve gender equality concerns in taxation. The study has been published by the European parliament, and distributed to politicians and others working with economy and gender issues.