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Published: 2017-10-02

Presentations at Particles 2017

NEWS Computational modeling of granular matter to track material in piles and silos, predict the wear and damage in material handling systems and for designing safety berms to stop skidding mine trucks of ultra-class size. That was the topic of three presentations involving UMIT research at the Particles 2017 conference.

The V International Conference on Particle-Based Methods (PARTICLES 2017) is an ECCOMAS Thematic Conference held in Hannover, Germany, during 26 – 28 September 2017. It gathered 350 scientists and engineers from 36 different countries, giving 3oo talks and discussing the state-of-art computational techniques for particulate and granular materials, particle-based discretization of continua and their applications in industry and applied sciences.

Three of the presentations are based in-part on research conducted at UMIT Research Lab. These are entiled “Computational modeling of flow and size segregation in stockpiles”, “Impact force analysis with the nonsmooth discrete element method” and “Using non-smooth multi-domain dynamics to improve the safety on haul roads in surface mining”. Principal investigators in the projects are Martin Servin (Umeå University) and Klaus Thoeni (University of Newcastle, Australia)

Related information: GranuX, Particles 2017

Editor: Martin Servin